Brigham Young taught that the governments of the earth were false governments and should be overthrown. That God delegated only to the Mormons the priesthood right to set up a government.
It’s that belief that has led polygamy groups into the practice of “bleeding the beast.”
But the Bible tells us that God has set up governing authority for every nation and has commanded His people to live at peace with and obey our governing authorities.
Utah’s constitution prohibits polygamy, tax evasion and welfare fraud, along with incest, marriage of minor children and so on. We wonder why Mormonism claims they believe in and follow Jesus, but they don’t believe or obey what He taught.
God has made it simple for even the smallest child to understand the simple gospel of Jesus Christ. The concept of Grace is easy to grasp yet the most difficult for religious people to submit to. We urge polygamists to learn of and then submit to God’s grace.
Paul exclaimed concern about his people:
Romans 10:1-4 Brothers, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for them is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For, being ignorant of the righteousness of God, and seeking to establish their own, they did not submit to God’s righteousness. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.
We share Paul’s heartache for the Jews for our own loved ones who believe in “polygamy for salvation” doctrine.
We thank you for your support and prayers that enable us to continue to bring Biblical truths to polygamists!
~ It all began with Joseph Smith ~
“Sometimes these old and middle-aged ladies do not see their husbands once a year, and yet they may not live half a mile apart... at a large party ... Orson Hyde, one of the twelve apostles, met
the wife of his youth, the mother of many of his children. He had escorted some of his younger wives there, and she came with a friend. It chanced that they were seated near each other at the table, and were compelled to speak; they shook hands, exchanged a very commonplace greeting, and that was all that passed between them. Neither is this an isolated case; it very often occurs that an elderly lady attends a party with friends, and meets her husband there with one or more younger wives; and sometimes both she and they have to watch their mutual husband while he plays the agreeable
to some young girl who has taken captive his wandering fancy, and whom he intends to make the next addition to his kingdom.
"It is then that wife, who have heretofore been rivals, join their forces against a common enemy; and the young woman who is engaging the attentions of the already much married but still marriageable man is sure to suffer at the hands of the new allies, who have so recently struck hands in a common cause... To return to the encounter between Hyde and his wife. There is a little romance attached to their separation... When Joseph Smith first taught polygamy and gave the wives as well as the husbands opportunity to make new choice of life-partners. Mrs. Hyde, a young and quite prepossessing woman, became one of the Prophet's numerous fancies, and he took great pains to teach her most thoroughly the principles of the new celestial doctrines. It was rumored that she was an apt and willing pupil. Hyde was away on a mission and when he returned, he, in turn, imbibed the teachings of polygamy also … In the meantime it was hinted to him that Smith had had his first wife sealed to himself in his absence, as a wife for eternity. Inconsistent as it may seem, Hyde was in a furious passion. Like many other men, he thought it no harm for him to win the affection of another man's wife, and make her his “celestial" spouse; but he did not propose having his rights interfered with even by the holy Prophet whose teachings he so implicitly followed, and he swore that if this was true he would never live with her again. But he did live with her for several years after the exodus from Nauvoo and the settlement of Utah.
"Finally, the old affair was revived, and I think Brigham himself informed his apostle that she was his wife only for time, but Joseph's for eternity; and as she was no longer young, and other wives were plentiful, he left her to care for herself as best she could.”
-- Ann Eliza Young, Wife No. 19, Pgs 324-326
Update on Samuel Batemans developing court case.
Last month we brought an update to the federal charges against Samuel Bateman and his followers. Several of those charged have made plea deals but Bateman continued to plead not guilty. Trial was set for the fall of 2024. However, on April 1, 2024, Bateman changed his plea to guilty to conspiring to
commit kidnapping in a plan to free underage girls who had been taken into Arizona state custody. His plea agreement recommends a sentence of 20 to 50 years in prison, though one of his convictions carries a possible maximum sentence of life in prison.
“In pleading guilty, Bateman, 48, acknowledged taking underage brides, having sex activity with them and arranging group sex, sometimes involving child brides… Bateman is accused of giving wives as gifts to his male followers and claiming to do so on orders from the “Heavenly Father.” Investigators say Bateman traveled extensively between Arizona, Utah, Colorado and Nebraska and had sex with minor girls on a regular basis.”
Two men who are also charged in the case, bought luxury vehicles for Bateman. One bought Bateman two Bentleys, while another male co-defendant purchased a Range Rover for him. Sentencing for Bateman is scheduled for July 15, 2024.
There are no updates yet on the Kingston polygamy group lawsuit which we detailed in last month’s newsletter. We will bring you updates as they occur.
Aaronic Priesthood—According to Mormonism & polygamists:
“The two divisions of PRIESTHOOD in The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints are the Aaronic and the Melchizedek. Young men twelve to eighteen years of age, and older men who are new converts, are ordained to offices in the Aaronic Priesthood”.
“It is the power and authority God has given to man to prepare him… to receive the greater power, authority, and blessings of the MELCHIZEDEK PRIESTHOOD. Encycl of Mormonism, Pgs 1-2
But the Bible says:
Hebrews 8:6 But as it is, Christ has obtained a ministry that is as much more excellent than the old as the covenant He mediates is better, since it is enacted on better promises.
Hebrews 8:13 In speaking of a new covenant, He makes the first one obsolete. And what is becoming obsolete and growing old is ready to vanish away.
Joseph Smith said mothers have babies in eternity, and some are on thrones. “A question may be asked, ‘Will mothers have their children in eternity?’ Yes! Yes! Mothers, you shall have your children… Eternity is full of thrones, upon which dwell thousands of children reigning on thrones of glory, with not one cubit added to their stature,” (Journal of Discourses, vol. 6, p. 10).
“Since females born into polygamy are usually spoken for in marriage when they reach puberty, presumably there are surplus males: if so what becomes of them? Thank you for sharing the message.” --PB
RESPONSE: The boys in polygamy groups are either marginalized into drones or encouraged to leave and find life outside of the group, or are given the option of finding a wife outside the group and after they're married bring her into the fold. Often a young bride is totally deceived during their courtship, but after they're married it's too late. So, she becomes part of the flock in the polygamy group without knowing in advance. It's all such an ugly deceitful practice.
“Next time the missionaries come to my home instead of hiding, I’m going to listen, listen to everything, and then I’m going to ask them to listen to me about being saved through Gods Grace.” --SC
“The concept of providing bodies for souls to come to earth appears to be a device to lower the resistance of women in practicing polygamy. Smith lived in an era where many women considered sex primarily as a means for reproduction. If they were persuaded that sex was a religious practice primarily for reproduction, Smith probably found it much easier to seduce them, including married women.” --LL
We continue to share some of the sermons preached by polygamy group founder/leader Rulon C. Allred. Knowing what he taught helps obtain a better understanding of the relentless grip he has had and continues to have on polygamists throughout Mormon Fundamentalism. A sermon Allred gave in 1974 revealed the complaints of plural wives who came to their leader for help and comfort:
“I am astonished to note that the cries of our womenfolk are, in many instances, ascending to God against us as a people. Constantly good women are coming to me and saying, “My husband’s conduct is such that I wish I could be released from him; I can’t stand it any longer. I only hear criticism; I never hear praise. I only hear correction; I never hear ‘thank you.’ I am told what a heathen I am, that I don’t know the gospel, that I don’t know how to raise my children, that I don’t know how to keep a home. I’m never told ‘I love you.’ I’m never shown that love that I thought I married this man for; I’m only a tool for his exaltation. I am not a living soul any longer. I’m just a woman. Period. End quote. I hear this every week of the world.”
“Too many of our men rule with an iron hand and do not let their women know by their actions that they love them. This is an area where, if you have one wife or many, if you fall short, you will bring the condemnation of God upon you as surely as you live.”
“Brethren, your wives are your glory…. They are the ones that bring your children up in light and truth, and how can they do it if their hearts are broken and they have no love in their hearts for you because you haven’t earned it by your conduct?” Rulon C. Allred, Treasures of Knowledge, pg 326
NOTE: This is the historical and ancient problem with polygamy. Complaints of family problems, favoritism, patriarchal tyranny, loneliness, lovelessness and so on. We find this treatment repeated in every biblical story of polygamy, in early Mormon polygamy and in today’s polygamy groups. Contemporary polygamy groups suffer progressive problems of abuse, incest, sexual crimes and numerous crimes against civil governments.
Pray for “M”. She was born and raised in polygamy, she left then married an LDS man. She later became a Bible believing Christian, her husband is still Mormon. She attended a Christian church but rarely goes anymore because when she did and shared her story, the Christians in that church didn’t know how to “deal with her.” Pray for “M” and pray also that Christians would encourage rather than discourage those who come to Jesus from polygamy.
Just call Doris: 801-649-3103, or Email: |