We often point out how Mormonism and polygamists use Bible passages to justify their unbiblical doctrines. They take verses out of context then claim they are obeying God. One phrase polygamists love to use is “do the works of Abraham”. They use it to point to Abraham having more than one wife, but when the Bible uses that phrase it is concerning Abraham’s faith not his polygamy and not his good works.
Genesis 15:6: And he [Abraham] believed the Lord, and he counted it to him as righteousness.
Abraham’s faith was his righteousness, not his works. But polygamists continue to teach the “works of Abraham” is
polygamy. The following verse is one they take out of context as justification for polygamy:
John 8:39: Jesus said to them, “If you were Abraham’s children, you would be doing the works Abraham did”
But they don’t read the following verses to establish context, nor do they follow the rest of the Bible when it speaks of the works of Abraham. For instance Romans 4:2-9 explains that Abraham was not justified or called righteous because of his works, but because of his faith.
Romans 4:9: For we say that faith was counted to Abraham as righteousness.
Then there’s Galatians chapter four where the works of Abraham actually included sending his other wife and child away from Sarah and Isaac who was the child of promise.
Our purpose is to bring biblical truths to Mormon Fundamentalists— specifically that salvation is not through polygamy but as a result of God’s grace through the Cross of Jesus Christ.
We thank you for your support and prayers that enable us to bring Biblical truths to polygamists.
The first public announcement Joseph [Smith] ever made of his belief in the plurality of wives was at Nauvoo, in 1840. In a sermon one Sunday he declared that it was perfectly right in the sight of the Lord for a man to have as many wives as he pleased, if he could evade the laws of the land.
Said he: "People of polygamous nations will be converted to the church, and will desire to gather with the Saints to Zion; and what will they do with their wives? We must have polygamy among us as an established institution, and then they can bring all their wives with them."
He referred to the Bible to sustain his position, and grew very eloquent on the subject. He seemed determined not only to maintain the doctrine to his own satisfaction, but to convince his people of its truth and its desirability.
As may readily be imagined, it caused the greatest excitement and indignation in the church; and many threatened to abandon the faith. The women most especially were aroused, and they declared they never would accept a doctrine so hateful. It was the first open rebellion against any of the Prophet's teachings by his most devoted followers, and he was wise enough to see his mistake, and to rectify it. Evidently, as he said to certain followers, it was "too soon for the Lord to reveal Himself upon this subject."
The following Sabbath he arose, and said he wished to retract what he had said the Sabbath before; he was at that time only trying the Saints, to see what they could bear. The Revelation at first was made known only to a few of Joseph's most intimate friends, and they were solemnly bound to keep its existence a secret; but in some way it became known very generally that there was such a Revelation, although it was not given to the world until 1852. It is on this ground that Smith's sons endeavor to palm the Revelation on to Brigham, and deny that their father ever intended to have polygamy become a church institution.
The elder Mormons, who were at Nauvoo, among whom are my parents, know better than this, however, and also know the exact time when the "' Revelation " was first talked of. If Smith was not a polygamist, his sons must allow that he was a libertine, or an advocate of free-love principles. It makes little difference which; the results are the same.
The wife of the Prophet took no more kindly to this new doctrine of Celestial Marriage than did the rest of the Mormon women, and no woman of them all allowed her objections to become so widely known as Mrs. Smith. She knew her husband's nature too well to believe in the Divine origin of the system, and she fought it persistently during his lifetime. ~ Ann Eliza Young, Wife No 19; pgs 67-68
Mormonism boasts of their own unique ‘scriptures’. Four sacred books in their order of importance are: The Book of Mormon, The Doctrine and Covenants, the Pearl of Great Price and The Bible.
Although racism is not a typical topic dealing with Mormon polygamy, it is important to know, that polygamists cling as tightly to Mormon scriptures as LDS church members do. The Mormon scriptures are highly racist, especially the Book of Mormon and the Pearl of Great Price. The LDS church denied their racism in 1978, but Mormon polygamists continue to cling to their highly racist doctrine.
Joseph Smith said, “Had I anything to do with the negro, I would confine them by strict law to their own species, and put them on a national equalization” (Joseph Smith, History of the Church 5:217-218).
Brigham Young said, “Cain slew his brother. Cain might have been killed, and that would have put a termination to that line of human beings. This was not to be, and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin. Trace mankind down to after the flood, and then another curse is pronounced upon the same race…” Journal of Discourses 7:290-291)
Book of Mormon, 2 Nephi 5:21 “And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity. For behold, they had hardened their hearts against him, and they had become like unto a flint; wherefore, as they were white, and exceedingly fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them.”
Rulon Allred was the first “prophet/leader” of one of the largest and most powerful polygamy groups in Utah. Through the years they have colonized areas throughout the intermountain west, Missouri and into Mexico. Missouri is where they believe Jesus will return to set up His millennial Kingdom and the Allred polygamy group will be His administrators, ambassadors and counselors to accomplish the task. In 1977, rival polygamist Ervil LeBaron ordered Allred’s murder, but his memory and reverence remain larger than life.
Some of our recent video programs have been to dissect a few of his sermon and apply biblical truths to his error-filled preaching. We want to share some of his odd spiritual dogmatics to give better understanding of the hold he has had and continues to have on polygamists even to this day.
“It has been prophesied by early prophets of this dispensation that this day [December 23rd] would in times to come be a holiday over all the world, commemoration of the life of the greatest man who lived in this dispensation, the Prophet Joseph Smith.” Rulon C. Allred, Treasures of Knowledge, pg 253
Joseph Smith’s birthday is December 23 which is celebrated by many Mormon polygamists as well as acknowledged by many mainstream LDS church members. Rulon Allred’s comments confirm the reverence they still have for Smith by the statement that he was “the greatest man to live in this dispensation.”
However, when we study the life and the man Joseph Smith, we discover he was a con-man, an adulterer, a pedophile, a deceiver, a counterfeiter, a man who was delusional of his own grandeur and self-importance. Yet in Mormonism, he was the greatest man who ever lived, 2nd only to Jesus.
Update on Samuel Bateman:
Bateman was arrested and awaiting trial in federal court according to an indictment charging him of having more than 20 wives, 10 of them minors. Some of his ‘wives’ allegedly helped him kidnap and transport victims across state lines.
He reportedly has about 50 faithful followers. He appeared in federal court on August 8th where he told the judge that he wanted to represent himself at trial. The judge allowed his request but appointed an advisory counsel for him. Ten of his wives with their legal counsel were also in court as co-defendants and smiled at the self-proclaimed prophet as he entered the courtroom. One plural wife is facing charges of distributing obscene material to a minor, she remains a loyal follower of Bateman. Several defendants requested release from custody claiming they are not a danger to the community. But the judge denied their requests. They are moving forward with a trial scheduled for 2024.
“Most of the current fundamental Mormon polygamists remind me of mainstream Mormons. Absolute obedience, secret … or blatant polygamy, corruption, and a lack of ability to be transparent, honorable, or honest. So if you want to know where the FLDS got this practice, they learned it from the mainstream church... the church of lies!" --DD
“You keep plugging away, shining light of truth on these horrible issues. The only benefit of Mormon polygamy over Islam is if you were shining a light of truth on Islam, your life would be in absolute danger." --GG
NOTE: Only a few decades ago our lives would have been in danger. The Mormons did practice blood atonement by killing off folks who committed apostasy. Some continue to threaten blood atonement, but we have no evidence its actually happening.
“The Attorney General of Utah was interviewed. He said that he was sooooo upset with human trafficking over the border. He had no mention of human trafficking in his own state." --JS
“The interesting part of the Bateman report, the abuse happened in front of other followers. ... the law never looks at polygamy and sexual abuse. All the adults should be arrested for not reporting him taking their daughters. Or charge Bateman with kidnapping? Utah's soft on crime/blind eye is a stain. These woman do not even have a voice when someone takes their child as a wife. It is so sad, victims deserve better.”
Mormon Terminology—Eternal; Everlasting to Everlasting:
Not necessarily forever past and future.
Mormon Doctrine by Bruce R. McConkie defines these concepts like this:
“The Lord uses his name Eternal to teach ... certain great principles of revealed truth. Thus the kind of life he lives (which, of course, is God's life) is called eternal life (meaning exaltation); and the kind of punishment which is dealt out to transgressors by him is called eternal punishment, a name having reference to the type and not the duration of the penalty imposed. Pg 215
“Men become "gods, because they have no end; therefore shall they be from everlasting to everlasting, because they continue." That is, those who gain eternal increase, who have unending spirit children in the resurrection, have thereby become from everlasting to everlasting. Pg 226
- Thanking God for His faithfulness to always supply every need.
- Thanking God for His promise to bless His word that it will not come back void until it accomplishes His purpose.
- PRAY FOR many who doubt the doctrine of polygamy and the United Order, that God will remove their fear giving them courage to pursue Biblical truths.
CONTINUE to pray for so many who leave polygamy but join the Mormon Church, they continue to reject biblical truths.
Just call Doris: 801-649-3103, or Email: doris@shieldandrefuge.org |