Mormonism is under many laws, ordinances and obligations – but then they throw around the word atonement without having a clue that in Jesus’ death on the cross and resurrection, all genuine believers are not under law but under GRACE. The only “law” authentic believers are under is the LAW of Spirit and of life:
Romans 8:2-- For the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made me free from the law of sin and death.
When a person has obtained “Life in Christ,” all his sins and all ordinances are wiped away, the slate is clean. That’s what faith in Jesus is all about. And despite whatever religion people embrace, if laws and ordinances, threats, guilt and shame, confession to bishops or priests or anyone else is required, that person has not appropriated or participated in God’s free gift of Grace.
John 1:17-- For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.
As Hebrews tells us, Jesus is greater than Moses. And another place in the NT we are taught that the law is given, not for good people, but for the unrighteous. Therefore, anyone who is under religious law, is living the life of an unrighteous person, and that’s not a good place to be. Our purpose and heart’s desire is to bring these truths to Mormon Fundamentalists so they will turn and take of the Water of Life freely.
We thank you for your support and prayers that enable us to bring God’s Good News to polygamists.
Karen Bradshaw is an ex-plural wife from the AUB polygamy group. She has given her life to Jesus and explains that God has laid it upon her heart to become part of the Shield and Refuge team. We welcome Karen as we seek God’s will in this and in everything. For the next several months, Karen will share her story of being born and raised and married in a Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamy Group. This is Part Four of her story, she said, “I write this in the hope that others will be delivered from captivity!”
No One Told Us Father Got a New Wife
Our family took a trip to Nevada where friends of my parent’s had a 200-acre ranch. It was in the middle of nowhere and seemed to take forever to get there. Mom was driving—she always did, and she drove fast on the winding, dusty road. Up and down the hills we'd go, "hold on" she squealed in delight as she stepped on the gas, we'd be zooming up the steep hill to the top and suddenly, for just a moment, it felt as though we were flying. I wanted more. "Do it again!", I'd scream. When we finally arrived at the ranch, we were welcomed by the Peterson’s. I remember the windmills spinning around and their boast that they produced all the electricity they needed. Carol had prepared a delicious pot of chicken noodle soup, and we all sat around the huge table which was just the right size for our small army.
I remember that there were a lot of boys and girls in the Peterson family, and after dinner we all had a bath in the giant barrel that was placed outside with a fire was blazing underneath it. Carol directed us, "girls get in first then the boys, the boys are always dirtier" she laughed, as she winked at mother. It was exciting, kinda like we were going for a swim, but I was uncomfortable too, I'd never bathed with anyone besides my sisters and I felt exposed to the curious eyes of the older brothers who were just coming home on horseback after gathering the cattle. After our bath I noticed poor Janice. She was mentally slow, and I remember a strange conversation between the two mothers and heard Carol explain, "Poor girl, she’s never been right in the head since that high fever that lasted for two weeks, and we didn't realize how bad it was until the damage had been done. She just needs a baby of her own to comfort her. All she wants to do is hold the babies and rock them back and forth, she would make such a good mother." I wondered how could she feed her baby and change diapers when she was unable to take care of herself? [… continued next month]
“The opposers of Celestial Marriage sometimes quote a passage in the seventh chapter of Romans, second and third verses, to show that a plurality of wives is wrong; but when we come to read the passage it shows that a plurality of husbands is wrong.”
~ George A. Smith, October 8, 1869, Journal of Discourses 13:40-41
~~It all began with Joseph Smith~~
The following quotes are from, “The Story of the Mormons,” by William Alexander Linn, 1902, “An early illustration of [Brigham] Young's policy toward all Mormon offenders was given in the case of the so-called "Gladdenites." … members of the [Mormon] church even in Utah were ready to revolt when the open
announcement of the "revelation" regarding polygamy was made in 1852, and they found a leader in Gladden Bishop, who had had much experience in apostasy, repentance, and re-admission. These men held meetings and made considerable headway, but when the time came for Brigham to exercise his authority, he did it. It was said that Gladden had already caused much trouble, he had been cut off from the church and taken back and re-baptized nine times.
On Sunday, March 20, 1853, a meeting, orderly in every respect, which the Gladdenites were holding ... was dispersed by the city marshal, and another, called for the next Sunday, was prohibited entirely. Then Alfred Smith, a leading Gladdenite, who had accused Young of robbing him of his property, was arrested and locked up until he gave a promise to discontinue his rebellion… Young made the Gladdenites the subject of a large part of a sermon, he preached, "I say to those persons: You must not court persecution here, lest you get so much of it you will not know what to do with it. Do not court persecution. We have known Gladden Bishop for more than twenty years, and know him to be a poor, dirty curse ... do not court persecution, or you will get more than you want, and it will come quicker than you want it. I say to you Bishops, do not allow them to preach in your wards." (After telling of a dream he had had, in which he saw two men creep into the bed where one of his wives was lying, whereupon he took a large bowie knife and cut one of their throats from ear to ear, ... he continued: "I say, rather than that apostates should flourish here I will unsheath my bowie knife and conquer or die. ... Now, you nasty apostates, clear out, or judgment will be put to the line and righteousness to the plummet."... Let us call upon the Lord to assist us in this and every good work."
Full sermon is in the Journal of Discourses, Vol. 1, pg 82.
Q. If God isn’t pleased with polygamy, why are the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem named after the sons of Jacob who had plural wives? Doesn’t that glorify polygamy?
A. When we read in the Bible that God has graced sinners with His blessings, it teaches us about His deep love, redemption and forgiveness because, and only because of the Cross of Jesus Christ. We all sin and fall short of God’s glory—but God has a way for sinners to be reconciled to Him. Religions, like Mormonism and polygamy, strive to earn God’s favor through works, rituals, sacrifice and of course, Fundamentalists require polygamy as a way to please God. But God showers His love and forgiveness to everyone and anyone who will trust Him alone for deliverance from sin and for salvation. The names on the twelve gates of the New Jerusalem is not proof God is okay with polygamy, it illustrates the unity of the Old Testament with the New Testament, that the world’s Redeemer is the Root of Jesse, the Son of Abraham. Jesus fulfills all of Scripture and He alone is the Gate that opens the way to the Father.
Martha Cannon, (1857-1932) was the fourth wife of Angus M. Cannon a pioneer Mormon leader. Martha is now remembered for her groundbreaking work in women’s rights and her work in public health. She eventually became disillusioned with polygamy and the poverty it created. She said, “If a man cannot provide his wife and children with a home, he isn’t worth having.” ~ PBS Program ~
“J Smith amazingly forgot "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor's ANYTHING.." Brigham Young continues to be honored, with a respected, world-renowned school out there bearing his name... yet he repeatedly and cruelly condemned any woman who did not want to live polygamy. He made outrageous, disgraceful speeches over and over again, and these things have been recorded and are easily found in libraries. Yet LDS leadership refuses to stop holding these two guys up as heroes. It's astonishing.” --BL
“Thanks for exposing LDS Church and the obfuscation of fact. Stop the indoctrination of children and the vulnerable by the Mormon warriors. Expose! Expose! Expose!” --H
“Utah has too many guys looking forward to having sexual relations with multiple women in the next life to be honest enough to admit all the harms done by polygamy.” --HB
If you have questions or would like information on a topic relating to Mormon polygamy, we invite you to send your request to
- Please pray for “J” - she wasn’t raised in a polygamy family but she and her sister were coerced and brainwashed to believe it was okay for them to both marry the same man. He was abusive, controlling and mind controlling. She’s away from him now, but is having powerful Stockholm Syndrome issues.
- Pray for these who have left polygamy but pursuing some very odd ‘religious’ ideas: Rather than reveal names, we use their initials: K&L; W; B&J; DS; JJM; and MT.
Just call Doris: 801-649-3103, or Email: |