The “Reaching Polygamists for Christ” conference was held in mid-September at which several ministries presented their outreach to polygamists with the true Biblical gospel. The conference was well attended, considering the COVID restriction requirements, however one of the attendees went home early because he was not feeling well. He ended up in the hospital the next day with COVID. Of course, that put us all on alert and isolation until we knew if any of us had been infected. As it turned out, no one was infected, and we thank God for His protection. We also continue to pray for the one who got COVID and ask for your prayers for him and his family.
There are several people from ministries who have otherwise become infected, the worst being a lady who was doing outreach with the FLDS in Colorado City. She has had COVID for over three months, with no relief and extreme complications. Please pray for her complete healing and that God would restore her health with no long-term after effects.
We thank you for your support and prayers that enables us to bring the Good News to polygamists.
To help our readers understand the brainwashing and bondage polygamists face, we present suggested reading material which may give you a better understanding of the dark world of Mormon polygamy. This month our featured book is entitled Polygamy’s Rape of Rachael Strong, Protected Environment for Predators, by John R. Llewellyn.
This story took place in the polygamy group called The True and Living Church, headed by the now deceased James D. Harmston, located in Manti, Utah. The preface begins like this:
“Rachael Strong was raped:
By her polygamist prophet stepfather forty-five years her senior who claims he was only living his religion.
By a published doctrine that warns: submit or be destroyed by God.
By a Utah movement to decriminalize polygamy.
By the new “political correctness.”
The “prophet stepfather” who raped Rachael Strong was the leader, James D. Harmston whose activities categorized him as a sexual predator. He used as his accessories to his sex crimes, two women who were on parole for being accessories to other sex crimes. They conspired to coerce his beautiful 22-year-old stepdaughter to become his 17th wife; Harmston had his eyes on her since she was ten years old. When Rachael was 16 years old, she married a young man from the polygamy group and had a baby. Her stepfather had ordered her not to get pregnant and when she did, he was furious, threw the young man out, and started a mind control teaching plan on Rachel:
“The world was coming to a rapid and horrible end, she had been the devil’s wife in a previous life, God had turned his back on her, and this life was her very last chance to save herself and her baby from soon-to-occur eternal damnation. Her only chance to be saved was to marry her stepfather, the prophet, who held her imminent destruction in his hands. Shattered, she married him and was subjected to such degrading and dehumanizing sexual acts with this sixty-four year old predator stepfather that the day soon came when she realized that damnation could not be worse and left.” Pgs 13-14
This book covers Rachael’s story, but also includes stories of others who have been victimized by polygamist predators. On pages 110-111 the author maintains that females are taught from birth not to trust her own perceptions, her ‘programming’ is intentionally designed to destroy her self-esteem and render her powerless. She has no emotional or social skills to survive on her own in the outside world. The author presents great background information on historical Mormon polygamy. He believes that the fundamental responsibility for polygamy belongs to the Mormon church. The doctrine of polygamy remains in their specific ‘scripture’ called the Doctrine and Covenants and they still teach that polygamy will be reinstated on earth at some future point.
The book is 153 pages with good information about Mormon polygamy especially for those who are interested in learning more about this destructive religious sub-culture.
A book first published in 1870 gave interesting insight into the frightening control the early Mormon church held over the Utah Territory. The book is entitled: Brigham's Destroying Angel: BEING THE LIFE, CONFESSION, AND STARTLING DISCLOSURES OF THE NOTORIOUS BILL HICKMAN, THE DANITE CHIEF OF UTAH. Written by Himself, with Explanatory Notes by J. H. BEADLE, Esq., OF SALT LAKE CITY. 1870.
This book contains interesting and shocking information about murder and violence of the early Mormon pioneers. Polygamy, Brigham Young and the law “according to Mormonism” prevailed. It reveals that the early Mormons had no compulsion against killing someone they thought may be a threat to their doctrine or their existence.
Many deny that these crimes could have been committed by a faithful Mormon, or worse, that the executions were commanded by a faithful Mormon president/prophet, but a couple of statements made by Mormon Prophet and President Brigham Young points to the real threat of violence:
"And if the Gentiles wish to see a few tricks, we have ‘Mormons' that can perform them. WE HAVE THE MEANEST DEVILS ON THE EARTH in our midst, and WE INTEND TO KEEP THEM. FOR WE HAVE USE FOR THEM and if the Devil does not look sharp, we will cheat him out of them at the last, for they will reform and go to heaven with us." Journal of Discourses, Vol. 6, page 176
Brigham Young announced that he kept and employed the meanest devils on earth! Again:
"If men come here and do not behave themselves, they will not only find the DANITES, whom they talk so much about, biting the horses' heels, but the scoundrels will find them biting their heels. In my plain remarks, I merely call things by their RIGHT NAMES. Brother Kimball is noted in the States for calling things by their right names, and you will excuse me if I do the same." Journal of Discourses, Vol. 5, pg. 6
This book gives details of some of the dirty, murderous and violent ‘tricks’ they used to get even with their enemies.
You can download an archived copy of the book HERE.
Polygamists use many arguments to justify their practice of plural marriage. Many of them are Biblical passages that they misunderstand or take out of context. Recently one polygamist said: “How can the Savior save those who live plural marriage if He didn't live it Himself? Hebrews 4:15 says he was tempted in all things like unto man.”
Our answer:
It is ludicrous to use Hebrews 4:15 as a proof text for Jesus being a polygamist. This question begs another question: Do polygamists see polygamy as a temptation to overcome? If Jesus had to be a polygamist to be the savior of polygamists, then he also would have had to have been a murderer, to save those who murder and the same goes for child molesters, burglars, robbers, idolaters, rapists, prostitutes and so on. He PAID for our sins, but He did not commit our sins!! Was it required that Jesus had to sin in every way we do to save sinners? No! This verse in Hebrews teaches that Jesus was ‘tempted’ BUT never gave in to any temptation, if He was tempted to be a polygamist, He did not fall for it. He was completely sinless in every way making it possible to be our Savior.
We find it interesting, yet concerning, that polygamists use the Bible to support their polygamy, but refuse to abide by what it teaches about polygamy. More concerning is that like the mainline LDS church, they do not even trust the Bible to have been correctly translated.
“Doris, I just recently found your program with my ROKU download of your channel. I have been listening to the programs with a lot of interest. I was raised in a Christian church, but several years ago, I went through some great losses and was grieving a lot. The missionaries came and the thoughts of families being together in eternity and their kindness in wanting to help a widow out, drew me into the Mormon church. After joining the church, I started hearing a lot of things that made my skin crawl for they were not Biblical nor were those teachings in the Book of Mormon. I was then told that Jesus and Satan were brothers, and that God had a sexual relationship with Mary for her to become pregnant with Jesus. I started noticing that little was said about Jesus being our Savior and most emphasis was put on Joseph Smith. When I heard a sister say in Fast and Testimony service that we would again live polygamous lives in the Celestial kingdom, I had enough. I left the church, went back to my Christian church, and repented of being led astray by the Mormons. I later wrote the church and requested that my name be taken off their records. They did but they told me that I had apostised (not sure of the spelling). I still have a few friends in the Mormon church, and I pray often that they will see the light. One of those friends is blind and has paralysis on one side of her body after an accident as a child. She too was a convert to the LDS church, and I have often asked her if she believes all that they teach. She admitted that she doesn't but that they are so good to her. They come help her clean, take her to doctors, etc. In other words, they have her trapped by their good works. She too is a widow, but since her husband refused the teachings of the church, she was sealed to someone else. Is that even ethical?
I am so thankful that my upbringing in a Christian Church, taught me enough that I saw that the teachings of the Mormon church were wrong. Had it not been for that, I might still be in that evil cult.
I do so enjoy listening to you and Bishop Earl. Keep on teaching truth and God bless you in all your endeavors.” --LB
Pray for all those affected by the coronavirus, for their families and for complete healing for each one.
Pray for a discipling class we are hosting. 1) One person who attends does not know Jesus yet. 2) Another one is just beginning her journey to understanding her new Christian faith. Pray she will joyfully let go of the old polygamist doctrine and cling to the Biblical Good News.
WE ARE available to speak to your group, association, church or organization about the Mormon Fundamentalists of today.
Just call Doris: 801-649-3103, or Email: |