October 2020
Dear Praying Friends,

On April 23, 2008, a letter was written to the Minister of Justice at the House of Commons in Ontario Canada. The letter was written by Dawn Black MP, New Westminster-Coquitlam. She was concerned about the lack of prosecution of FLDS polygamists in Bountiful, B.C., Canada.

This is like how Utah, and other States, handle polygamy. The government in British Columbia turned a blind eye to the illegal practice of polygamy, but also ignored the human trafficking and the sexual abuse of women and children taking place before their very eyes. We want to share some of her concerns because it reflects the lackadaisical attitude of many communities in the U.S. that refuse to stop the practice and encroachment of polygamy and its abuses.

“Dear Minister, over a number of years, I have followed with great interest the debates surrounding the polygamous colony in Bountiful, BC. The recent raid of the sister compound in Eldorado, Texas, has reinvigorated concern about the welfare of the women and children in Bountiful. This is especially true given that Canadian children were rescued from the Texas compound… I strongly oppose the polygamy practiced in Bountiful and share the concerns of many Canadians about the treatment of young girls there. It is not in doubt that the law is being broken in Bountiful.

“It is common knowledge that young girls, under the age of consent, have children with much older men. Women and young girls are treated like chattel – assigned to men and traded like property. Their autonomy and basic human rights are denied to them. Young men are also at risk, as they are shunned by the community. In addition, by all accounts, the members of Bountiful are practicing polygamy in direct contravention of the law.

“The police and prosecution have sufficient evidence to establish that girls under the age of 16 have been and continue to be forced into so-called “marriages” which include sexual intercourse. This is clearly against the law just passed by Parliament, which raised the age of consent to 16 years. Therefore, investigations should be conducted, and charges laid.”
Excerpted and condensed from the letter.

Canada has since moved against the polygamists in Bountiful, B.C. while Utah took the opposite direction by reducing the laws and penalty against polygamy!

Jeremiah 2:9, 11-13— "Therefore I bring charges against you again," declares the Lord. "And I will bring charges against your children's children. …  Has a nation ever changed its gods? (Yet they are not gods at all.) But my people have exchanged their Glory for worthless idols. Be appalled at this, O heavens, and shudder with great horror," declares the Lord. "My people have committed two sins: They have forsaken me, the spring of living water, and have dug their own cisterns, broken cisterns that cannot hold water.” NIV

Although these words were given to the ancient Israelites before the exile, it certainly can be applied to pseudo-Christian religions of today.  Specifically, Mormonism.  Joseph Smith first introduced the Book of Mormon and Mormonism, then polygamy, then the belief in a plurality of gods, they “changed the true God… for worthless idolatry.” They forsook the true God of the Bible and exchanged Him for a mythical god of Mormonism who is an exalted polygamist man. They changed rules, times, and plan of salvation. Thus, they have changed the Gospel, and that’s why we do what we do.  We “contend for the faith once for all given to the saints.”       Jude 3.

The only Gospel that can save is the genuine Gospel of Jesus Christ, not the polygamous gospel of Joseph Smith. Polygamist have added so many burdensome conditions to their method of salvation, Jesus Christ is hardly even considered by them as being relevant in their striving for eternal life. Pray for them.  And pray for us as we bring them the truth.
We thank you for your support of this ministry that enables us to show polygamists
the Savior is Jesus, not polygamy.


To help our readers understand the brainwashing and bondage polygamists face, we present suggested reading material which may give you a better understanding of the dark world of Mormon polygamy. This month our featured book is entitled Prophet’s Prey written by Sam Brower.  Brower spent over seven years investigating Warren Jeffs and the FLDS polygamy group. This book reflects his discoveries, a film was also produced from the book.  A comment from the back cover:

“In Prophet’s Prey, Brower implicates Jeffs in his own words, bringing to light the contents of Jeffs’s personal priesthood journal, discovered in a hidden underground vault, and revealing to readers the shocking inside world of FLDS members..”

Despite the horrifying details, Brower relates the beliefs and practices of Warren Jeffs and the people of his polygamous community. When Jeffs took over as leader, he began making subtle changes, then more blatant and controlling changes until the people were so tightly in his control, he was able to pull off about any monstrosity he desired.  We read from page 165:

“Christmas does not exist in Short Creek. Warren had declared all holidays to be a distraction for the people and proclaimed Christmas in particular to be evil and idolatrous… there was little resistance about the ban on Christmas. With no bright lights or outdoor decorations, no toys, no trees with ornaments, and no joy, Short Creek seemed even more dreary than usual.”

Brower tells the brutal story of Ruby Jessop, we quote some of it from page 105:

“Ruby was “sealed” [married] at the age of fourteen to her older stepbrother Haven Barlow; she was raped by him and almost bled to death before being taken to a hospital. When Ruby later tried to run away, she was caught and eventually returned by the Utah Child Protective Services to her so-called husband, the very perpetrator she had accused of the horrible rape.”

Warren Jeffs followed in the twisted footsteps of his polygamous heritage.  An example is taken from page 116:

"On October 7, 2002, one day shy of a month after Rulon died, Warren took the controversial step of marrying seven of his stepmothers, chosen because they were the most compliant with his wishes... Warren would father perfect children by these women who he had been calling his mother less than a month earlier.”

This is a great book from which we can learn about the FLDS and their leadership under Warren Jeffs.  Prophet’s Prey can be found online at


“Before I left Utah, I discovered, that, without a single exception, all the saints [Mormons] were inoculated with a prodigious craze, to the effect that the United States was to become a blighted chaos, and its inhabitants Mormon proselytes and citizens of Utah within the next two years, the more sanguine said, "next summer."

“At first sight, one point puzzled me. Where were they to get the orthodox number of wives for this sudden accession of converts? My gentlemen-readers will feel highly nattered by a solution of this problem which I received from no leaser light of the Latter-Day Church than that jolly apostle, Heber Kimball.

"Why," said the old man, twinkling his little black eyes like a godly Silenus, and nursing one of his fat legs with a lickerish smile, "isn't the Lord Almighty providin' for His beloved heritage jist as fast as He anyways kin? This war's a-goin' on till the biggest part o' you male Gentiles hez killed each other off, then the leetle handful that's left and comes a-fleein' t' our asylum 'll bring all the women o' the nation along with 'em, so we shall hev women enough to give every one on 'em all they want, and hev a large balance left over to distribute round among God's saints that hez been here from the beginnin' o' the tribulation."

“The sweet taste which this diabolical reflection seemed to leave in Heber Kimball's mouth made me long to knock him down worse than I had ever felt regarding either saint or sinner. But it is costly to smite an apostle of the Lord in Salt Lake City.

“I have heard men who could misquote Scripture for their own ends, and talk a long while without saying anything; but he so far surpassed in these particulars the loftiest efforts within my former experience, that I could think of no comparison for him..”  

The Project Gutenberg E Book of The Atlantic Monthly, Vol. 13, No. 78, April, 1864.


“Joseph Smith himself called polygamy “adultery”!!!!! That in and of itself proves that not only was he a false ‘profit’ ...but he wasn’t very smart either, that’s crazy.  P.T.
 “I have watched many, many of your programs and I am in complete support of everything that you and your ministry are doing.  I sure wish I could meet you!  Please know that you are in my prayers.  In Christ, Pastor Brown, NE.” 

“Polygamy is insane.  All we need is monogamous faithful marriage till the end, or we are heading towards disaster ... and disaster is already there in more than one way. Cohabitation is not the same as polygamous marriage forced under religion.  In one case there is choice, in the other case, there is forced marriage. Not the same.” B.E.

“I am still amazed that a few men could talk women into having more than one wife. I guess being raised in it would make all the difference in the world.” H.Y.

ANSWER:  It is absolutely and completely different when a person is born and raised under the doctrine of polygamy.  That’s all we know; the indoctrination is powerful and always under the threats of an angry God.


  • Please always pray for those who leave polygamy to receive Jesus.

  • Pray for a mother and two children. Her husband took a young 2nd wife, she is being terribly abused by him. She is considering getting out. Pray she will have the courage to leave and be able to leave safely.

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Just call Doris:  801-649-3103, or Email:

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