A dear friend recently shared a bible study with me, one that she had prepared for a women’s bible study group, it was John Chapter 17—The “Real” Lord’s Prayer.
I’m always excited to study John’s Gospel, and Chapter 17 is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible. When I was a baby Christian, the Gospel of John was the first book that I had ever studied. I LOVED what John taught me about Jesus. Mormonism, whether it’s the main LDS church or the polygamous offshoots, believe that Jesus and Lucifer are brothers and we humans are brothers and sisters of Jesus, and the devil and all the good/bad angels. We are all ‘spirit children’ of God the Father and one of his wives whom they refer to as Mother in Heaven.
The Gospel of John tells us who Jesus Christ truly is and WHO HE IS NOT! When I first learned that Jesus is God, not Satan’s brother, it was a deeply moving experience that I am unable to describe. As we minister to polygamists, it is important they learn who Jesus Christ is. Almost every Mormon or Fundamentalist are in shocked dis-belief when they first learn that Jesus Christ is, was, and will always be the Only True God. People do not become gods by living polygamy which is a foundational polygamist teaching.
Instead of Jesus just being a rung on the ladder as we work our way to heaven, Jesus is THE WAY. He isn’t the ‘way maker’, He is the way!
They have made polygamy the Savior—and even themselves as Savior—because if our good works saved us—we would be our own savior. Our heart is for Mormon Fundamentalists to know that we’re saved by God’s Grace alone, through faith alone and our doctrine comes from the Bible alone. Without your support, we would be unable to do this.
And so we deeply thank you for your support of this ministry!
If you have a particular question or would like more information on a news event or topic relating to Mormon polygamy or have a concern, we invite you to send your request to us via email: doris@shieldandrefuge.org
During the last week of May 2020 the Salt Lake Tribune reported the death of a member of the leading family of the Kingston polygamy group. He was a victim of the COVID-19 virus but had other underlying health issues.
They held a funeral for him, but no one practiced safe social distancing and no masks were worn. About 300 people attended. Many in the group believe the COVID-19 is just a hoax invented by wicked men, and they do not have to follow the regulations. This is the typical attitude of polygamists. They recognize no authority but their own. If they don’t want to obey any local or federal law, they won’t. That is why changing Utah’s laws to better assimilate polygamists into normal society, is a reckless idea. They don’t pay attention to the law, they do as they please while claiming God’s authority for every action.
On May 29th, 2020, Fox News reported:
“Federal prosecutors have asked a judge to seize dozens of properties tied to the Kingston polygamous family and impose a $511 million judgment against former Washakie Renewable Energy CEO Jacob Kingston and his brother, Isaiah...The request ...listed properties scattered across northern Utah and ... assets ... in Turkey and Belize.. including the former Washakie Renewable Energy plant near Plymouth, UT. “Washakie Renewable Energy was a significant player politically, with major contributions to Utah lawmakers, Governor Gary Herbert and the Utah Republican Party. When the raid first took place, Utah Attorney General Sean Reyes placed a $40,000 campaign contribution from the Kingston’s into escrow (and later acknowledged spending it).”
It is a completely different world for us who were born and raised in Mormon Fundamentalism. We were brainwashed from the cradle to believe that those not in the group were our enemies, not to be trusted. To help understand the brainwashing and bondage polygamists face, we have suggested reading material which may give you a better understanding of the dark world of Mormon polygamy.
This month our featured book is entitled. Lost Boy, the story of Brent W. Jeffs’ experience born and raised in the FLDS polygamy group and the horrific abuse he suffered under Warren Jeffs.
Brent Jeffs was Warren Jeffs nephew and was of course, was part of the prominent family of their church.
We quote from the inside flap: “Brent could have grown up to have multiple wives of his own and significant power in the ten-thousand-strong community. But he knew that behind the group’s pious public image-women in chaste dresses carrying babies on their hips-lay a much darker reality. So, he walked away and was the first to file a sexual-abuse lawsuit against his uncle.”
From the back cover: “Now I was beginning to think that the abuse that had driven my oldest brother to suicide was something I’d have to confront as well. I started thinking back to what had happened when I had left the church—and how I had gotten to the point that I had to leave. I thought of my life as a ‘lost boy.’ And, as I sifted through my memories, my life came to me in bits and pieces, often disconnected, just like my dreams. Even normal memory has gaps, but traumatic memory is even more discontinuous. This is my story, which put me back together.”
We cannot read personal experiences like this without concluding that polygamy groups wield ungodly powers over members, and they use and abuse them at will.
We quote from page 61 describing Jeffs speaking: “Warren’s speaking voice also had a peculiar hypnotic quality. If you did not know him like I did, it sounded calming, almost narcotic. It was hard to remember the specifics of what he said. He spoke relatively slowly, with long pauses.”
Lost Boy is a very disturbing book, it relates graphic details of Jeffs' sexual abuse of young boys and the subsequent tragedy this abuse brought into their lives.
It is a completely different world for us who were born and raised in Mormon Fundamentalism. We were brainwashed from the cradle to believe that those not in the group were our enemies, not to be trusted. To help understand the brainwashing and bondage polygamists face, we have suggested reading material which may give you a better understanding of the dark world of Mormon polygamy.
This month our featured book is entitled ESCAPE, written by Carolyn Jessop with Laura Palmer.
Written in 2007, just before the FLDS ranch in Eldorado, Texas was raided, this book was a timely publication. It’s the story of Carolyn Jessop, being raised in the FLDS polygamy group, and being a plural wife of Merril Jessop who already had three wives. Her story, like so many others, was a living nightmare.
From the inside cover:
“Over the next fifteen years, Carolyn had eight children and withstood her husband’s psychological abuse and the watchful eyes of his other wives, who were locked in a constant battle for supremacy. Carolyn’s every move was dictated by her husband’s whims. He decided where she lived and how her children would be treated… He chose when they had sex;
Carolyn could only refuse-at her peril. For in the FLDS, a wife’s compliance with her husband determined how much status both she and her children held in the family.”
Carolyn’s life was miserable and she yearned to get out. As in almost all polygamous families, if someone tries to leave and fails, life becomes even more intolerable. If caught trying to escape, Carolyn knew her children would be taken away from her. At that time, no FLDS woman had ever escaped from the FLDS and managed to get her children out too.
In 2003 she chose freedom over fear, she fled with her eight children and twenty dollars. Carolyn faced insurmountable odds that were against her after her escape. Her eight children had been thoroughly indoctrinated and she knew what a challenge it was going to be to successfully reverse the brainwashing as they started their new life outside of the highly controlled polygamy group environment.
This book tells her story in gripping detail—it is probably one of the best of all the great books written by the victims of polygamy. We heartily recommend it for those who are interested in the inner workings of Mormon polygamy groups.
Excerpted and condensed from Expose of polygamy in Utah, by Fanny Stenhouse—1872.
“Mr. S. returned from England, and began in conversation to introduce — gently and enigmatically, the subject of Polygamy, at the same time telling me that he ''did not know'' that it was true, but that he had heard there had been a revelation given about it. He dreaded to tell me the truth; but I had heard enough and determined not to accept the doctrine. Still I tried to hide my feelings from him; for I hoped that it might even now not prove true. Vain hope! for very soon the "revelation" was sent from "Zion," with instructions to make no secret of it.
A copy was given to me to read. My husband and the two elders looked at me, to watch the effect produced upon my mind, with an interest and solemnity as if they were breaking to me the news of my mother's death. I immediately sought my own apartment, after locking the door began to read the document; but before I had got through one half I threw it aside, feeling altogether rebellious against God. I began to feel perfectly reckless, even willing to throw aside my religion, and take "my chance of salvation," rather than submit to Polygamy; for I felt that new doctrine was a degradation to womankind.
I asked "Why did the Lord wish to humiliate my sex in this manner?" though at the same time I believed as I was told, that the "revelation" was indeed sent from God. Perhaps if I had kept calm, and had I read it through allowing my own judgment to be exercised upon it, I might have detected there and then that there was no divinity in it, as I discovered to my satisfaction, when I read it a second time many years later.
I reasoned with myself about Polygamy. If this revelation" is of God, then I ought not to oppose it. It never once entered my mind that any man would dare to give a revelation to the world as coming from God except it was true. Then, if the Lord requires me to submit, it must be for some good purpose; for "He doeth all things well." I must try to subdue this wicked and rebellious nature of mine, and submit to His divine will, and surely He will aid and bless me.” ~
Cont’d next month.
Exposé of polygamy in Utah. By Mrs. T. B. H. Stenhouse, of Salt Lake City. Pgs 33-35 - continued next month.
“Thank you for doing your show. Impeccable research and historical documented evidence. People need to know the truth, stop being in denial, or deceived. What demented sexual predators the early Mormons were, and some of them today.” “C”
“I wonder if the 23 And Me or ancestry DNA tests are popular in Utah. I can imagine so many would come back with results that half the population are 3rd and 4th cousins." --N.
“If you ever take a drive to Short Creek [Colorado City] (or some other polygamy group) and see those cute little 16 year old girls with 2 or 3 little ones hanging on, you come to the realization that those are her children, she's not baby sitting. Those are her children. Then your heart goes out to her. Then you will understand the personal Mormon connection. I was raised Mormon, but I had a big wake up call when I saw it all for myself.” --L.C.
WE ARE available to speak to your group, association, church, or organization about the Mormon Fundamentalists of today. Just call Doris: 801-649-3103, or
Email: doris@whatloveisthis.tv
Continue to pray for the September Conference we are planning. Pray God will bring to the conference those who need to attend.
- Pray that more and more harvesters will go out into the fields that are white for harvest amongst the Mormon polygamists.
- Pray for a young man wanting more information about leaving and for the courage to leave his abusive life behind.
WE ARE available to speak to your group, association, church or organization about the Mormon Fundamentalists of today.
Just call Doris: 801-649-3103, or Email: doris@aboutpolygamy.com