I often challenge those from the Mormon faith, both LDS and polygamists, asking why they claim to follow Jesus but don’t believe what Jesus taught. For instance, Jesus affirmed that God’s original design for marriage was monogamy:
Matthew 19:4-6 "Haven't you read," he replied, "that at the beginning the Creator 'made them male and female,' and said, 'For this reason a man will leave his father and mother and be united to his wife, and the two will become one flesh'? So they are no longer two, but one. Therefore what God has joined together, let man not separate."
In spite of what Jesus said, they believe and teach polygamy can also be God’s plan. Mormonism also teaches that if a couple will do the correct rituals, they can be married and continue bearing children eternally. But Jesus said otherwise:
Matthew 22:29-30 Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven.”
Despite what Jesus said, they continue to have eternal sealing ceremonies which they believe will keep families and marriages together forever. As Christians, we need to faithfully hold the Bible up as the measure of truth and its authority over our lives and religious beliefs. A Shield and Refuge Ministry brings Biblical truths to polygamists and pray that God will draw them to Him, that they will know the simplicity of faith in Christ, and experience freedom in Jesus—because it is the truth that sets us free. We answer seeker’s questions by email, by telephone and through our internet programs. Pray with us that God will open their eyes and turn them from darkness to light.
Most who are born and raised in Mormon polygamy groups go to their graves believing that their loyalty to their polygamy group has indebted God to them. They look forward to waking up in heaven and rewarded with the promotion to godhood. They believe that since the beginning—God was a polygamist who begat millions of spirit babies each with the potential of becoming a god in their own right through righteous living and polygamy. They need the truth!!
Colossians 1:13-14 For he has rescued us from the dominion of
darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son he loves,
in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.
Thank you for your support of this ministry!
Polygamy to be decriminalized in Utah!
At the time this Newsletter went to the printer, the bill before the Utah Legislature to decriminalize polygamy passed every committee and flew through the full house. It only awaits the governor’s signature which he has indicated he will sign. Despite the magnificent efforts and testimonies of victims and organizations that help victims of polygamy, they were for the most part, ignored by our lawmakers. But polygamists and pro-polygamy folks had the legislatures open ear. It only remains to be seen how decriminalizing polygamy will further affect our culture. May God have mercy! But passage of this bill does not change our ministry or our focus. Polygamists continue to believe that God commands polygamy –that polygamy is required for eternal life. It is still a false gospel, and our purpose and focus is to bring biblical truths to polygamists. Passage of this bill covers the spectrum of responses. One in particular said this:
“This is insane! It takes away any power the victims have. And gives all the power to the abusers! Polygamy is a cesspool of abuse! Religious abuse is always at the top. If there is no physical, or sexual abuse, there is always religious and mental abuse. This makes me so sad, that our state is ok with this ( oh wait ) it always has been!”
The billion dollar tax fraud lawsuit against the Kingston owned Washakie Biofuel company is being prosecuted in court. The two Kingston brothers had pled guilty in order to protect the group’s polygamous secrets, but a non-member is now being prosecuted for his part in the scheme. During testimony, Jacob Kingston said $30 million was given to the polygamy group which was his “tithe” from the tax credit money they had illegally received from the IRS. Polygamists have always behaved as though they are above government laws and regulations.
If you have a particular question or would like more information on a news event or topic relating to Mormon polygamy or have a concern, we invite you to send your request to us via email: doris@shieldandrefuge.org
It is a completely different world for us who were born and raised in Mormon Fundamentalism. We were brainwashed from the cradle to believe that those not in the group were our enemies, not to be trusted. Sometimes we hear people say about the victims of polygamy, “Why don’t they just leave, just walk away?” It isn’t that simple! To help understand the dilemma we faced in our attempts to leave, we have been suggesting reading material which may give the reader a better understanding of the dark world of Mormon polygamy.
This month our featured book is entitled, The Secret Story of Polygamy, by Kathleen Tracy. The author presents the historical foundation of Mormon polygamy then describes various beliefs and activities of different polygamy groups.
From the back cover we read:
"While proponents of plural marriages claim they are being denied religious freedom as guaranteed by the United States Constitution, opponents say that in addition to rampant welfare fraud, polygamy fosters horrible physical and sexual abuse of minor girls and is resulting in an alarming number of birth defects, the product of generational inbreeding. In the wake of the shocking trials of the Kingston brothers in 1999, many in Utah - including those in the Mormon mainstream - are beginning to openly question why state authorities are not more aggressively enforcing the laws against polygamy."
Kathleen Tracy The Secret Story of Polygamy.
"...besides hoarding money, Kingston had another obsession with a particularly personal passion-genetics. He had developed some theories about the subject while working on the rundown Kingston dairy farm, located north of Salt Lake City in Woods Cross, where he bred Holstein cows for the best milk production. In what is perhaps the most macabre allegation against Kingston, according to former clan members, John Ortell decided to put what he had learned about in-line breeding dairy cows to practice in his own lineage.
"My father experimented inbreeding with his cattle and then he turned to his children," says Connie Rugg, who is one of Ortell's estimated sixty-five children. She is also a former Kingston clan member who escaped rather than enter into a forced marriage with an uncle. "All my life, my family told me I had to many a Kingston" Rugg recalls. "I could choose, but it had to be a brother, uncle, or cousin." Pgs 88-89
The Secret Story of Polygamy is a fascinating insight into the history of Mormon polygamy, and of the dark secrets of some polygamy groups.
In 1888, Arthur B. Deming wrote:
“The evening of my arrival in Salt Lake City I called on Gen. D. H. Wells, whom I had known in Illinois. ... We conversed on the sidewalk until 11 o'clock P.M. He said he had told me things about polygamy he had never told anyone... For the information of my readers ... I will state that Gen. Daniel H. Wells lived on a farm near the Mississippi River, in Hancock County, Illinois, before the Mormons settled Nauvoo. He told me their temple was built on a part of his farm. He was Justice of the Peace ... General Wells' first wife remained in Illinois, and he went to Utah and became a double brother-in-law to Brigham Young... He was Mayor of Salt Lake City ten years, and had six wives and twenty-four children. I told one of his daughters that her mother loved
their father more then his other wives because her children resembled their father much more than theirs.
Her reply was, "I know she does, and I wish he only had mother for his wife." The first wife's children claim to be superior to the plural wife's children. There certainly is a great difference between lawful love children, and illegal lust children. General Wells commands the Mormon Militia of Utah, and has held various other offices.
One evening the General commenced to preach Mormonism to me. He began about Brother Joseph and the Hill Cummorah. I laughed and said, None of that, it would do no good. I afterward regretted I did not hear his argument... then he claimed a relationship, and to make it stronger [before I left the city] he offered me two of his daughters ... for wives, which offer I declined ... One of his daughters said that ... as soon as any of the young ladies were active in church work, the Elders were after them for plural wives. I made so many inquiries about their institution they became somewhat annoyed and another daughter inquired if I was writing a book. I replied I had no such intentions, which was true at the time. One evening at a late supper with the General, one of his wives stood and waited upon us throughout the meal. I felt sorry for the lady, who was a superior woman that most any man of suitable age would be proud to claim for his wife.”
Naked Truths About Mormonism; Vol. I. No. 1. (January, 1888), edited by Arthur B. Deming
“I have never been involved in polygamy or Mormonism, but I watch your programs because I find them very edifying as a follower of Christ. It is wonderful to hear how people were freed from trying to please men or church elders and can now focus on their relationship with Christ. Jesus asks only that we believe in him, love him and spread the word of his gift of salvation. That's it. Jesus is always with you, you don't have to share him. Your marriage should be a reflection of Jesus' love, not something designed for the whims of oversexed men who prey on young girls. God made the world 50% female and 50% male for a reason!”
“Right on sister! Thank you for exposing the darkness! God HATES lying...and thievery!!! All those schemes are both!!” LT
“I would like to know what this church bashing had to do with polygamy. JL”
“It is just so sad that this goes on. It breaks my heart. These poor children. It is so pathetic it makes me cry. Bless all of you who chose to leave.” SR
“How can these men convince these women to stick around? Sorry, nothing about being a sexual deviant is from God or a way to be close to Him. So sick.” JA
This Newsletter was sent to the printer before the current COVID-19 had reached this ‘crisis’ point here in the United States of America. We are not hearing a lot of information from within polygamy groups about how they are handling this, but from what little I’ve heard, some of them are thinking this is God’s judgment on the wicked world. Those who are against polygamy and Joseph Smith’s religion will soon be destroyed and they (the polygamy group) will be left behind to enjoy all the riches, lovely homes, properties and businesses that the wicked has built up. Some are practicing social distancing, most are not. Please pray for them. Most polygamists DO NOT believe in doctor and hospital care. And they are so communal; the virus would spread rapidly within their own confines.
- A family from a polygamy group is in need of a used car to transport children back and forth to school and other light errands. If anyone has a car they can donate, please contact A Shield and Refuge at: 801-649-3103, or: contact @shieldandrefuge.org
- Continue to pray for the salvation of those in and out of polygamy.
- Always pray for divine opportunities to share with more and more polygamists that God’s plan is not in polygamy, but in and through Jesus Christ alone.
WE ARE available to speak to your group, association, church or organization about the Mormon Fundamentalists of today. Just call Doris: 801-649-3103, or email: doris@shieldandrefuge.org