A Shield & Refuge Ministries is dedicated to providing information and resources that will be helpful to both those in Mormon fundamentalism / polygamy, as well as those seeking to understand it better.

If you have an article (or an idea for an article) that you would like to submit for consideration, please feel free to do so.

More articles will be added as they become available.

Articles are available in web page format (html) or Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format.

Is Polygamy Required of God?
An in-depth look at what the Bible says about polygamy, marriage, and God's plan.
Do you need to be saved?
What does the Bible say "being saved" is all about? The answers may surprise you.
To Each Her Own
God has established His will for marriage--that each woman have her own husband--exclusively.
Loving God with our Mind
The Bible says we are to love God with our heart AND our mind. But how can we love God with our intellect?

Sexual Practices Condemned by God
Some believe that polygamy honors God. But what does the Bible say about God's view of marriage and sexuality?

Why do People Wear a Cross?
Many Christians wear crosses around their neck. Is it to glorify suffering & death, or does it mean something else?
Rejecting the Myths our Fathers Taught Us
Surely our parents would never lead us astray, would they? Perhaps not deliberately, but many of us have grown up believing things that simply aren't true!
I am a Woman of God...
But what does this mean to Jesus? A biblical look at the incredible value God places on women!
The True Gospel!
You no doubt have heard something called "the gospel"...but did you know that there is only one true Gospel? Get it straight from the source--the Bible, God's only written word!
The Pre-Existence: Is it Biblical?
Followers of Joseph Smith are taught that we all existed in Heaven prior to birth. But what does the Bible say about this...and what are the implications?
Being Justified by a Holy God
Is Polygamy the way to please God? Or is it something else? This article shares what the Bible says about how to please God.
Only One God
A List of Bible passages that clearly teach that there is only one God.



Copyright Copyright 2025 by A Shield and Refuge Ministry
Address PO Box 651292   •   Salt Lake City, UT 84165-1292
Telephone Toll Free: 877.425.9993

home A Ministry of  Main Street Church of Brigham City
Address 48 N. Main Street  •  Brigham City, UT 84302    map
Phone 435.723.6469  



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