Good Had the Victory over Evil

I was born on February 6, 1952 in Hildale, Utah --the Utah side of a polygamist community that straddles the border between Utah and Arizona--into a home with five siblings, three mothers, and a father. My mother, a fourth generation polygamist, is my father's third wife. At seventeen I became the sixth wife to a fifty-year-old man. After sixteen years of marriage and five children, I left.

Fifteen years after leaving my husband, my family, and my belief system I am writing my story. My books offer insight as to the lifestyle and beliefs of these my people. Through the telling of my story I hope the reader will develop a compassion for the plight of these people. Though some want to legalize polygamy, others would prosecute them. May my story promote caution for these innocent children who have already been victimized.

The women and children of the polygamous communities in Hildale and Colorado City have been instructed not to associate with apostates and gentiles under threat of losing their eternal, heavenly rewards. Apostates are those that were once a part of this community, but have, for whatever reason, left. Gentiles are those that do not embrace their religious beliefs and do not follow the direction of their prophet as if he were God. They have been instructed not to watch movies or television, and competitive sports are no longer permitted. Many of the social activities of the children have been curtailed because of the worldly influences associated with those activities.

Though escaping from polygamy was a triumph in my life, the greatest triumph was the day that good had the victory over evil. On November 12, 1989, Jesus Christ became my Lord and Saviour. The Lord God Almighty applied His sinless blood to my sin debt and I was adopted into the family of God. You can experience that victory in your life as well.

The Bible says that we are all sinners and that the penalty for sin is death. Jesus Christ paid the penalty for our sin and has power over death. Anyone that confesses their sin to God, believes that Jesus died for the sins of the world and rose again on the third day victorious over death, and asks Jesus to pay their sin debt shall be saved. A simple prayer straight from your heart makes the difference between eternity in heaven or hell. God is not rude, and He will not force this upon you. It is all about choice--your choice. It isn't difficult or complicated, and has nothing to do with religion; yet, more will reject salvation than will accept it.

Please, don't enter eternity without Jesus.

--Mary Mackert,

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