April 2023
Dear Praying Friends,

Mormonism exhorts all members to live and strive and endure to the end in such a way as to become “worthy” of God’s blessings and eternal life. But the Bible tells us that we become worthy when we are born again.

Christians are exhorted to “live worthy of our calling in Christ Jesus.” We become Children of God when we are born again, which is described as born of God. The New Testament encourages us to be who we are rather than strive to become what we’re not. It’s interesting to note that God invites the good, the bad and the ugly to his banquet.  The religious ones who strived to keep the law and commandments refused His invitation to come - they are the unworthy ones.

Luke 14:21-24 … ‘Go out quickly to the streets and lanes of the city and bring in the poor and crippled and blind and lame.’ And the servant said, ‘Sir, what you commanded has been done, and still there is room.’ And the master said to the servant, ‘Go out to the highways and hedges and compel people to come in, that my house may be filled. For I tell you, none of those men who were invited shall taste my banquet.’”

Acts 13:46 Paul told the Jews that in rejecting God’s word they had judged themselves unworthy of eternal life.

It’s true that those who are striving to earn their salvation are participating in their own eternal perishing. Polygamists are born and raised to believe in a works salvation that obviously includes living polygamy and the United Order which is just religious communism. That’s all they know. As someone said, we don’t know what we don’t know. Polygamists don’t know God’s salvation is a gift of God, by grace through faith, not of works. Their “works” of polygamy is at the top of their list of essentials. Our ministry exists primarily to bring Biblical truths to Mormon polygamists.

We thank you for your prayers and support that make it possible for us to bring Biblical truths to polygamists


“In the beginning, the head of the Gods called a council of the gods; and they came together and concocted a plan to create the world and people it” (Joseph Smith, King Follett Discourse, April 6, 1844, Journal of Discourses 6:5).

“We understand that the purpose of the Council in Heaven was to announce and present the plan of redemption for the salvation of all of God’s children. The council was called so that every man and woman could sustain the provisions of the Father’s plan, which required that all people obtain mortal bodies, be tried and proven in all things, and have opportunity to choose of their own free will to obey the laws and ordinances essential to their exaltation” (Ezra Taft Benson, Teachings of Ezra Taft Benson, p. 23).


Genesis 1:1
In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

Nehemiah 9:6
“You are the Lord, you alone. You have made heaven, the heaven of heavens, with all their host, the earth and all that is on it, the seas and all that is in them; and you preserve all of them; and the host of heaven worships you.

Psalms 33:6
By the word of the Lord the heavens were made, and by the breath of his mouth all their host.


~~It all began with Joseph Smith~~

“How many are there in this Church who are now wavering and shaking because they have spoken against the ordinances of heaven, and especially against that ordinance which God has revealed for the exaltation of the children of men in celestial marriage [polygamy]? Hold that as sacred as your own soul: if you cannot see the beauty and glory of it, and feel it in your own hearts, say nothing against it.

This earth was placed in the hands of Adam and his sons, and he is the Lord of the earth; the male portion of the human family are the lords of the earth, and they are full of wickedness, evil and destruction, and especially in their acts towards the female sex. But God will hold them accountable. The fact is, let the pure principles of the kingdom of God be taught to men and women, and far more of the latter than the former will receive and obey them. What shall we do with them? They want exaltation, they want to be in the great family of heaven, they do not want to be cast off, then they must be taken into the families of those who prove themselves worthy to be exalted with the Gods. Who it is that cannot see the beauty and the excellency of celestial marriage, and having our children sealed to us? What should we do without this? Were it not for what is revealed concerning the sealing ordinances, children born out of the covenant would not be sealed to their parents; children born in the covenant are entitled to the Spirit of the Lord and all the blessings of the kingdom. “
Brigham Young, Teachings of the Prophets of the Law of Consecration, pgs 116-117

“There is another principle that has caused considerable uneasiness and trouble, i.e. the idea of some men's having more wives than one, such tremendous fears take hold of some that they hardly know how to live... they begin to whisper and talk around and [are] actually afraid to go on a mission for fear some man will be sealed to my wife, and when they return home some will be babbling about, you don't know but what you have got another man's wife, are afraid to speak to a young woman for fear that she belongs to somebody else or for fear somebody else wants her. “  Brigham Young’s Sermons, Vol 1

NOTE:  It is well documented that in the early days of Mormon polygamy men who went on Mormon missions would come home only to discover that Joseph Smith had taken their wives for his plural wives while they were away.


Because of evidence resulting in more charges against Samuel Batemen, his trial which was scheduled to begin March 2023 has been moved forward one year to begin in March 2024. He’s accused of following Warren Jeffs ‘revelation’ that he should marry 20 wives, many of them minors, and kidnap several young girls transporting them across state lines.

The Mormon church has been fined $5 Million dollars for illegal investment practices. Their portfolio boasts of at least $34 Billion while they continue to preach that members must give FULL TITHE to the church in order to achieve their salvation.
The church made the statement that they “affirm their commitment to comply with the law and regret mistakes made and now consider this matter closed.” The word, “hypocrisy” comes to mind.

They have never complied with the law if it opposed their own desires, polygamy being a good example.

A bill was introduced into the Utah State Legislature that would require clergy to report abuse—but it died before it lived. The bill was re-introduced four times but never survived. Utah news reports blamed the Catholic Dioceses claiming clergy confidentiality. But the bill was introduced in response to the high amount of sexual abuse charges against the LDS church.  We wonder why in Mormon Utah, the Catholics get the blame for this.


CT Wrote:  “... The only way out of the mess [of polygamy] is truth, which is painful, but at least a person is free. As to covenants, any contract entered into then altered is subject to being voided for duress if the changed conditions are ones you only agreed to because of threats. The only way to "win" this game is quit playing. It's stacked against you.”

NB Wrote:  “I thank you deep down in my heart for opening my eyes.”

NOTE: We know it is God who opens our eyes, but we are grateful God uses our efforts to expose the false claims of Mormonism and to proclaim the Biblical salvation plan God has for the sinner.

SP wrote:  “A. wanted sociological studies done to prove that sharing your husband with five other women is not a  happy situation!  Are children better off when their father has time for them or not? Is being so poor that you can't even afford toilet paper a good thing or a bad thing?

Example of Terminology used by the Mormon Church and Mormon Polygamists:

REDEEMED for the Mormon faithRedeemed from the temporal effects of the fall but not from the spiritual results of the fall. One must obey the commandments and ordinances, pay tithing, and be an active and faithful temple goer in order to be redeemed for eternal life.

Redemption in the Old Testament is a general sense of deliverance. God is the Redeemer of Israel; He is the Deliverer of Israel.

In the New Testament it is, to release on receipt of a ransom. Bought at a price. To Save. Deliver. Rescue completely, grant favor, show grace. Redeemed from sins for eternal life.

Karen's Story:

Karen Bradshaw is an ex-plural wife from the Allred polygamy group. We continue with her story of being born, raised and married as a plural wife. 

 From the moment of the wedding ceremony, I was excited about my new life. I realized on that cold day of November 1992 I could never turn back from this path I had chosen. I believed with all my heart that I was keeping God's commands, that I would be exalted as a Queen in Heaven, a wife of my god-husband, fulfilling the holy calling among chosen women to give birth to millions of children throughout eternity.

It had been ‘prophesied’ that I was of the linage of Ephraim, that I would give birth to a race of gods, that the blood of Christ flowed through my veins which I would pass on to my children. Of course, I realize now that it was all just nonsensical myth.

We spent our first night of marriage in Provo, Utah. I thought it had been a wonderful night, but oddly enough, it seemed as if he was just going through the motions. The next day he let me know that the marriage had been consummated, completing his duty as my husband. Panic hit me, I realized that I could never leave him, or I would go to Hell, we had mated for time and all eternity! However, I was convinced I was doing the right thing, that I was privileged to have the opportunity to be part of the most holy Celestial Law of marriage.

On the third day of the honeymoon my world fell apart when we had a quarrel, and he said some hurtful things to me. I just wanted to leave and never look back. I knew I was trapped but doubted I could survive. I was certain he didn't love me at all. What had I been thinking?! I obviously had made the biggest mistake of my life.  Despite his insults I decided to be a good wife and fulfill my wifely responsibilities. 

But depression set in. The next four days were just motions to complete our honeymoon. I didn't want to be there any more than he did.   It seemed the love he once had for me had died.  I would ask him if he loved me like his other wives, but he wouldn’t answer. My heart broke a little more every day. I didn’t stop to consider the possibility that he hadn’t really loved me to begin with.          

~ continued

Praises & Prayer Requests:

  • PRAISE:  God is continually exposing the illegal and deceitful practices of both the Mormon polygamist religion and the LDS church itself. Pray members will be questioning and that they will turn to God through the Bible for answers.

  • PRAISE for the comments of those who are leaving polygamy explaining that our audio and video programs are being helpful to their decision.

  • Pray for “ears to hear” the calling of God to them through His word and message of love and grace.

We are available to speak to your group, association, church or organization about the Mormon Fundamentalists of today.

Just call Doris:  801-649-3103, or Email:

ALL of our programs (past and present) are available for viewing online with a high-speed Internet connection. They may be viewed directly from our website, ( or they may be viewed on your TV via a Roku device (If you have a Roku account, you can add Polygamy What Love Is This to your channel list at this link). Other Internet-to-television devices (Chromecast, many wi-fi-ready Blu-Ray players and gaming consoles) may also stream our programs directly to your TV from our YouTube or Vimeo channels.

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