August 2022

Dear Praying Friends,

As I write this, I am recovering from a nasty case of COVID which was the very worst experience of my life. COVID is painful, comfortless, lonely, the unknown, unprejudiced, tiresome, dark and surprisingly I found myself in unexplained moodiness, even times of depression. The Christian knows that whatever the outcome of our sicknesses, our hope is in God, His mercies are new every morning, His every promise YES in Christ!                                                        

This was a temporary condition—but those in false religions who never find or accept God’s truth, which alone leads to eternal spiritual healing, will never see the beauty of Jesus Christ and Him crucified and the resulting born-again experience that lasts forever. Instead, 2Thessalonians 1:9 tells us:

     “They will suffer the punishment of eternal destruction, away
     from the presence of the Lord and from the glory of his might,”

Our goal is help them see, understand and believe that Jesus, not the works of polygamy is the Savior. We cannot stop telling them the truth about Jesus.

We thank you for your support and prayers that enable us to bring Biblical truths to polygamists.


“Eternity of Sex. It has already been said that sex is an eternal prin­ciple. The equivalent of sex, dimly understood by man, has always existed and will continue forever. Since sex, then, represents an eternal condition, the begetting of children is coincidentally an eternal necessity. We were begotten into the spirit world by God the Father, and have been born into the world which we now possess”

Matthew 22:29-30But Jesus answered them, “You are wrong, because you know neither the Scriptures nor the power of God. For in the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like angels in heaven.

(John A. Widtsoe, Rational Theology, 1915, p. 146). “In Their Own Words” compiled by Bill McKeever.


~~It all began with Joseph Smith~~

“When once a Mormon has entered into that order of marriage, he is no longer a free man; he is bound and cannot help himself, and this the authorities know. Where could a man go to outside of Utah with more than one wife? He must remain where he is, or give up his family. Many men have been counselled to add wives to his first with the intention of binding him to the church and hindering him from either apostatizing or leaving the country, is a commonly understood fact; and many a man has keenly felt the wrong to himself as well as to his wife, when neither of them desired to disturb the peaceful harmony of their family happiness by the experiment of imitating the domestic life of the Jewish Patriarchs.

One man only of my acquaintance has been successful in breaking his polygamic relations and in leaving the country. (Utah Territory).

He was in business as a merchant, and apparently tied up, so that he could not leave; but as his wives were as anxious as he was to break up the relationship, their movements were so well concealed that none of the authorities of the church had the slightest idea of his intended departure. His family had gone a few miles into the country on a visit, and he left his store with his coat off, and rode out of the town in a grain-wagon as if he were going to the grist-mill. The overland mail stage picked him up a few miles from Salt Lake City, and a few miles further, the family were taken into the stage, and they were off to California. The second wife, who had no children, acquiesced in the right of the first wife to remain with the husband. She got a satisfactory portion of his property, became a "Miss" again, and is to-day in California, rejoicing in her deliverance.

I know a gentleman in Salt Lake City who was urgently and constantly "counselled" to take a second wife. For years he resisted, but finally gave in to the importunities of counsel, as he saw that he must do so or rebel. As he could not do the latter conscientiously, he took a pure and beautiful girl for his second wife. Now, when he is no longer under the same religious obligations, he realizes that he is bound to protect and support her; yet he knows that in living with her, he is violating the laws of the land. In obeying "counsel," he felt that he had done right in a religious sense; but, as a man and citizen, he knows that he is not acting as he should, and that is one of the intended difficulties in leaving the church.”

Expose’ of polygamy in Utah. Pgs 150-152. A lady's life among the Mormons. 1872 by Mrs. T. B. H. Stenhouse, of Salt Lake City.

NOTE:  Mormonism has not concerned itself with legalities when it concerns their own behavior. They merely lay the blame on God for illegal activities because His Laws are higher than man’s law and as a religious organization they have the right to ‘live their religion.’ Complaints against this attitude only brings charges of persecution.



“What is the difference between child or women trafficking where women are threatened with physical violence if they don't "cooperate" and polygamy women and children who are told they must cooperate or God will damn them. Really what is the difference from the child or woman's perspective who must "serve' the men. Both take the spirit of the woman and destroy her and her children quite often. Great work you do.”

“Every testimony from these women and some men that have left the FLDS have admitted to having depression and thoughts of taking their own lives while being in that cult." --S

“I appreciate the time you take to learn about the LDS religion but you are not well informed. The temple rituals are written on the temple ruins in Egypt and can be studied and researched if you actually want to learn. The temple doctrine and sealing has been around since Adam and Eve, you will never convince anyone about the temples when they have always existed. You may want to focus more on the atrocities and child rape, forced abortions of the nuns, and murders the Catholic Church has engaged in for the past four thousand years. I might suggest you two actually visit a LDS temple visiting center and decide then if you think your small YouTube channel is really worth it." --E

NOTE:  Our purpose is to bring biblical truths to Mormon polygamists.  There are other capable ministries that focus on the Catholic Church. Despite their apparent thinking otherwise, the world does not spin around the LDS church and its temples. Proper religion does not end with the Mormon religion. And there are no Mormon temple rituals written on the temple ruins in Egypt. If there were any similarities, it would be that the LDS plagiarized them or the ‘same spirit’ authored them.

AN INSIDER REVEALS WARREN JEFFS “SESSIONS” that weren't seen on the Netflix series: Keep Sweet, Pray and Obey:
“This training was given to a group of his “wives,” about how to abide the “Fullness of the Law of Sarah,” and the “Ordinance of Heavenly Comfort.” It begins thus:

“Now I reveal to you, what the Lord has required of me and this family, that the fullness of the Law of Sarah is for quorums of wives, to be with me. To assist me. To be a comfort. Yes, even physically. Where more than one woman is with me at a time.

“When Sarah administered unto Abraham, in the fullness of the law, she was with Abraham and Hagar, sexually, together. And that is the fullness of the Law of Sarah.

“I came to this Land of Refuge, at 11:15, October 12th, 11:15 at night. There were seven ladies here, doing a work, and they were ladies who had experience with me, who were trained. Most of them had witnessed Heavenly Sessions. They know of the all-consuming fire. They were unclothed, I had them put on their white robes.” After reading parts of “revelation,” he continued:

“Starting in August this year, when the Lord was ready to scourge and destroy this people, for rejecting him – by not being prepared to build the temple, by not being Zion – he required that I come to this land quickly, and atone for the people. The atonements have come to such a severity that I’m taken right close to death. It is a heavenly justice administered.

“And my ladies, at the right moment, are called to assist me. And through their tenderness, and in their wifely, womanly, ways, are able to revive me. I am not to go into the hands of the medical people, for they would destroy me. And the Lord has appointed that my wives who are filled with the holy ghost can help revive me as that eternal, heavenly justice is completed.”\

Notice how he places guilt, shame, and responsibility for holding off a scourge on these wives, to assist him in these atonements in order to save the people from destruction. His wives are to bring him back from near death by the “ordinance of Heavenly Comfort.” He then corrects their “false traditions” (traditions, by the way, that were created in my own life by his teachings):

“Many women thought, “Oh, sexual relations is so wicked, and so bad to be tempted that way,” they only want to have a child and then never touch you. I’m telling you, Celestial morals is, do all you do with the spirit of God – your touch, your words, your all – to be directable. You don’t allow the sexual desires and contacts to rule. You become a comfort and strength and receive comfort and strength. You have to know how to be excited, sexually, and to be exciting – to administer that comfort and strength. And you have to be able to assist each other. No one just stands around. Everyone assists, and you have to be prepared to be trained to do this, against the time I would need your help. The Lord’s help, through you. (Naomie Talking about Assisting)

“So listen carefully, as the Lord intended that my ladies, all of my ladies, be trained. He’s been merciful to give us his own words through his own presence.” All of his ladies. (Even the 23 of them he married when they were from age 12 – 17.)

“When I’m in a session and I call for you, very often I’ll have you touch my hand, or my head, or my foot, and your spirit will be discerned. The Lord will show me if he allows you to stay in the room. If you’re not ready you’ll be sent out. Only those the Lord names can be with me. As I cannot allow people to be present who have unbelief, selfish feelings, jealousy, or fears, for they would drive away the heavenly powers. The work the Lord has for me to do is just too important to allow emotional wives to be with me. Or doubting ones, or fearful ones. Only those that are prepared.

“And you always come, in my area, already showered. Already ready, in case you’re called to assist. This is a training of words, with some works. To break down your false traditions. I repeat to you: this is not to be known. This is the Lord establishing, among us, the Celestial Law on earth, in my family. Because no other man is that marred servant, called upon to go through the atonement. For other men to do this, the Lord not appointing it, they would lose Priesthood. Their wives would lose their place. If you were to do any of this without my direct appointment, you could lose your place.”

I have been told that some of these young girls wrote confession letters to Warren – their great “husband” and Lord – asking for forgiveness because as they were involved in these “sessions” they felt guilty.

Being told this was “pure” and “of god” they believed it must have been their own wickedness that made them feel so uncomfortable. I haven’t seen these letters, but it would make sense. As I came to learn of what Warren had really been doing, a lot of things started to make more sense. Like the strong teachings that once a girl was married she belonged to her husband’s family and shouldn’t be talking with her former family, especially her mother, or revealing her husband’s weaknesses or secrets. Hmmm, that’s convenient – for him.

“And that is Celestial morals. Do all you do through prayer and the spirit of God, being directed to do. But when you’re with me you must be inspired. I’m often taken so low I can’t even talk, and you have to be inspired, work together, and assist me.”   More next month.

Praises & Prayer Requests:

  • PLEASE PRAY God will eradicate the COVID virus and blissfully heal all those suffering with it.  Protect and bless each with the Mercies of God Who is our Healer.

  • PLEASE PRAY for all those who have been and are being sexually abused in the Mormon/polygamist culture.  There are thousands of them.

  • PLEASE PRAY that when victims find the courage to speak out, the Mormon machine will cease being able to silence them.


We are available to speak to your group, association, church or organization about the Mormon Fundamentalists of today.

Just call Doris:  801-649-3103, or Email:

ALL of our programs (past and present) are available for viewing online with a high-speed Internet connection. They may be viewed directly from our website, ( or they may be viewed on your TV via a Roku device (If you have a Roku account, you can add Polygamy What Love Is This to your channel list at this link). Other Internet-to-television devices (Chromecast, many wi-fi-ready Blu-Ray players and gaming consoles) may also stream our programs directly to your TV from our YouTube or Vimeo channels.

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