September 2021
Dear Praying Friends,

Psalm 73:25:
Whom have I in heaven but You? And there is none upon earth that I desire besides You.

Polygamists believe their families are eternal, that all their children and wives can be together in heaven forever if they live a good life here. Obviously, the Psalmist knew there was no one in heaven for him but God Himself.

Mormonism teaches “exaltation” meaning the man becomes a god, his wives are his goddesses and he is worshiped by all the children he sires. The Psalmist is satisfied with Almighty God whereas a worthy Mormon doesn’t even need God after he becomes a god in his own right. We have no one in heaven but God alone, so how can a man be married to many wives for eternity when the true church is betrothed to Jesus Christ? Mormonism just plain doesn’t make sense when compared with the beauty and truth of the Bible. Our efforts include bringing these truths to the ears and hopefully to the hearts of those trusting in Mormon polygamy for their worthiness.

We thank you for your support and prayers that enable us to bring God’s Good News to polygamists


Karen Bradshaw is an ex-plural wife from the AUB polygamy group. She has given her life to Jesus and explains that God has laid it upon her heart to become part of the Shield and Refuge team. We welcome Karen to the team as we seek God’s will in this and in everything. For the next several months, Karen will share her story of being born and raised and married in a Mormon Fundamentalist Polygamy Group. This is Part Two of her story, she said, “I write this in the hope that others will be delivered from captivity!”

More Frightening Memories

   When I was very young, I wanted to run and play outside but my father saw me heading out the back door and yelled out at me, "Who put these holes in the wall behind the back door?"  He looked very angry; I knew he was in one of his moods and I was scared. He grabbed me by the back of my shirt and kicked me right between my legs, I cried out in pain. His kick caused me to smash up against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. I laid there terrified and sobbing and watched helplessly as he grabbed my twin brother and kicked him down the staircase. He fell next to me crying. I remember looking up into my father’s eyes hoping to see some sign of compassion, instead he just hollered, "Get up here!"  I crawled up the stairs on my hands and knees and he just kicked me down the stairs again. I yearned for him to take me in his arms and say he was sorry, but he grabbed me and kicked me up against the wall at the bottom of the stairs. I screamed out in pain crying uncontrollably while he yelled at me to stop crying. Then, down came my brother landing next to me with a bang. Kicking us up and down the stairs was repeated over and over again. My mother heard the noise and came running to our rescue, but he yelled at her pushing her back so hard she fell on the kitchen floor. He warned her, “This will get it worse if you try to interfere!" His abuse continued until I finally passed out suffering from internal bleeding and total exhaustion.

The leader/prophet of the AUB polygamists was a homeopathic doctor, Rulon Allred. I remember waking up in his office as he was saying in a low tone, "This man belongs in prison." I was bleeding from between my legs which was a result of being kicked there so many times. I was sent home but nothing ever happened to this man, the “doctor/leader/prophet” did nothing to protect us from the violence we constantly faced. I was terrified of my father, anytime he was around I would try to hide or stay as quiet as possible hoping he wouldn’t notice me. We were taught that our house was a temple which meant no laughter or noise of any kind. I was always relieved and loved it when he was gone. I lived in daily fear of him yet longed for him say he loved me, but he never did. I so wanted to be noticed and loved, but it seemed I was of no importance to anyone. So, trying to earn the love I craved, I would do everything I could to help around the house.      … continued



~~It all began with Joseph Smith~~


   The following are some excerpts by a ‘generational’ Mormon, now ex-Mormon who collected stories from pioneer biographies who were his own ancestors. They are revealing of polygamous life in Utah. The stories coming from FLDS escapees don't sound all that much different. Here's one about his 3rd great grandmother “E.C”, who was forced into marrying her step-father R.N.

"[W]hen ‘E’ was 17 years of age, there was pressure for her to get married. Three or four older men were asking for her hand and she was upset and confused about it. [Her step-father] asked her if she would like to marry him. He had been good and kind to her and she loved him as a father, so she decided to marry him rather than someone she didn't know. They had a little girl and a boy, but “E” couldn't be happy as the youngest wife in a polygamist family. One day she said goodbye to her babies and left."  The writer notes, “I don't know why her biographers keep lying about her age. [She] was SIXTEEN when she was "expected to marry," ... How is this different from the FLDS?”

‘E’ was blamed and gossiped about throughout her life because she escaped her polygamous marriage and because of her hostility toward the LDS Church resulting from that experience. She was described later in life as a sad old woman wandering around the town picking up sticks. It must have been important to early Mormons to stay in a polygamous marriage that you were forced into at age 16.”

The writer notes, “I also have a record of a mother-daughter threesome marriage that was lied about by no less than FOUR biographies.  If it's embarrassing enough to lie about it in a biography that's written for other Mormons, then what does that say about polygamy, the early leaders, the men practicing "the principle" and the biographers who clean up after it? The whole thing is a disgusting mess, and it's no different from what is going on with the FLDS?”



Q.  If polygamy is against God’s will, why didn’t He punish Solomon for all his wives and concubines? He not only didn’t punish Solomon for it, but He blessed him with more riches and wisdom than any other man. Sounds like polygamy is okay with God.

A.   God had made a covenant with David that his son Solomon would inherit David’s throne and that His covenant with David would also be established with Solomon (1 Kings 1:30). Later, God appeared to Solomon and promised him wealth and wisdom, peace and power.

1 Kings 3:12-13 “I have given you a wise and understanding heart, so that there has not been anyone like you before you, nor shall any like you arise after you. And I have also given you what you have not asked: both riches and honor, so that there shall not be anyone like you among the kings all your days.”

One of God’s great attributes is that He is faithful, even when we fail He remains faithful.  He pours out grace and mercy to the undeserving. In His faithfulness, God did not withdraw His promise to Solomon.  However, when He saw the idolatry by which his wives and concubines led Solomon astray, He became angry and promised that peace would remain as long as Solomon lived but upon his death, peace would be removed.  The kingdom itself suffered and was torn in two because of Solomon’s disobedience. We cannot conclude that because God does not immediately punish sinners, He condones our sin. God is patient, and His patience leads many sinners to salvation, 2 Peter 3:15.


“It has never been easier than today to google your way out of a cult - unless they deny you access to a computer.  It is a tragic thing to be born into a cult and to be subjected to all the indoctrination, but once you are of age, run.” --K

“Joseph Smith called polygamy “adultery”! That in and of itself proves that not only was he a false profit...but he wasn’t very smart either… that’s crazy.” --L

“How much more information do the followers of Joseph Smith need to convince them that he leads them to hell?” --AH

“I always enjoy listening to your interesting teachings ... in the broadcast, you mentioned that Joseph Smith boasted that he never lost any member so that he was "more popular than Jesus." This tells me, Joseph Smith didn't really understand, 1) that the Antichrist would be "more famous" since many will follow after his teachings or, 2) that Heaven isn't about carnage or about sexual promiscuity. Jesus did say "I came in my father's name and you did not believe me, if someone comes in their own name, to him you shall follow." Again, thank you for your ministry.”  --EM

NOTE: Joseph Smith’s boast reminds us of the Anti-Christ’s boast in Revelation Chapter 13:5-8.  “"...and the beast was given a mouth uttering haughty and blasphemous words ...and all who dwell on earth will worship it..."

Praises & Prayer Requests:

  •  We praise God for His constant care, provision, love and sacrifice. We praise Him that we may tell others of His grace and mercy. We praise Him for the many opportunities He gives us to talk to others about His lovingkindness. We pray for more and more people from polygamy to hear the true Gospel and come to saving faith in Jesus Christ as a result of this ministry.

  • Pray for our safety, good health and protection.

  • Pray for “M” to be willing to accept the help she needs.

We are available to speak to your group, association, church or organization about the Mormon Fundamentalists of today.

Just call Doris:  801-649-3103, or Email:

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