July 2021
Dear Praying Friends,

Acts 3:22-23 Moses said, ‘The Lord God will raise up for you a prophet like me from your brothers. You shall listen to him in whatever he tells you. And it shall be that every soul who does not listen to that prophet shall be destroyed from the people.’

Mormonism believes that “the prophet” in the above verse is the man who is the leader/ prophet of their particular Mormon sect, beginning with Joseph Smith. However, it is Jesus Christ who is the fulfillment of that prophecy. He is “the prophet” God spoke to Moses about.

1 John 5:19 tells us that the whole world is under the power of the evil one. Everyone who is not “in Christ” has been taken captive by the devil to do his will. Those who claim to be God’s chosen people, but who deny that Jesus Christ is the only true God (1 John 5:20) are under the power of the evil one teaching doctrines of demons. Polygamy is one of those demonic doctrines.

We continue to hold up Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to those in Mormon polygamy so that they can know the truth of who Jesus is. We want them to know that when He returns, He will take full authority over all the earth, ruling in righteousness and justice. What a day that will be!

We thank you for your support and prayers that enable us

to bring the Good News to polygamists


To help our readers understand the struggles polygamists face, we present suggested reading material which may give you a better understanding of the dark world of Mormon polygamy. This month our featured book is entitled, Dad Scares Me, God Scares Me, by Vera LaRee.

The author was born and raised in a Mormon-polygamist cult in Mexico. Her father had eleven wives and fifty-seven children. He constantly informed his listeners that women were inferior to men and that God was to be feared.  Vera writes about the brainwashing, sexual violation, and manipulation she experienced growing up under the harsh and poverty-stricken conditions of the polygamy group community.

Quote from page 13:

“As I sat on the floor listening to my father’s words, I thought about Heaven...  Dad was talking about living the gospel he’d sacrificed his life to teach us, and how he was showing us the way back to Heaven. Right then and there, I vowed to live this law [of polygamy] no matter what it took. There was no other way for me to gain God’s love and approval, which is the only thing that would keep me safe from hell.”

As is true in most polygamous homes, the father is too often a patriarchal abusive dictator who seldom gives all his children the loving and fatherly attention they need. The author’s father was a good example of that behavior. He delivered much cruel discipline never tempered with love. One incident that was particularly cruel was when she was required to help beat two of her brothers with a belt, she asked herself this question:

"What kind of God would want me to whip my own brothers? And what kind of father would ask me to do such a thing? … I was so confused—nothing felt right … the only thing I knew for sure was this: Dad scares me, God scares me.” 
pgs 21,22

It is true, that a child will often transfer his trust and love of his earthly father to what he thinks our Heavenly Father is like.

The author grew up under this fear—concluding God was cruel and harsh just like her own father. She was raised to become a polygamist wife and she ended up in a polygamous marriage. After years of fear, shame, manipulation, and exploitation, she’d had enough and made her own personal decision to leave her husband and leave the polygamous cult behind her. Of course, her father demeaned her and refused any blessing, but she said at this point, she didn’t even care. She asked him the question, “Why did she have the ability to think and feel for herself yet was never allowed to think and feel for herself?” Her father had no answer but blamed her rebellion on a chemical imbalance she needed to get fixed.

This is another good book for those who are interested in the history of Mormon polygamy.


The following is an excerpt from a Fundamental publication entitled, The Most Holy Principle, Vol 1, The Law and the Testimony.

“During the Nauvoo period, the Prophet taught the principle and doctrine of plurality of wives to some of his most trusted brethren in the Priesthood. At one time, it is reported, he gave out a hint of the restoration of this principle, in a public discourse, to test the feelings and attitudes of the people towards it. The following is an account of this incident and gives an indication of the general feelings of the people at that time. As noted, Joseph had to retract what he said, although that didn't take away the fact that he said what he did, nor the revelations of the Lord to those who received them.”

“ came to pass the Lord ... sent an Holy Angel with a drawn sword unto him, saying unto him Joseph unless you go to and immediately teach that principle (namely polygamy or plural marriage) and put the same in practice that he Joseph should be slain for ... I will raise up seed unto me as I spoke by my servant Jacob as is recorded in the Book of Mormon. Therefore I command my people.”

"In the morning he declared the law in Zion should favor plural wives. It surprised me much as it was favor of polygamy.... We attended the meeting in the afternoon. The Prophet arose to address the meeting. He said, `Brethren and sisters, I take back what we said this morning and leave it as though there had been nothing said. It amused me somewhat, but it didn't take with me for I was satisfied that he meant what he said in the morning... I felt satisfied that it [polygamy] was of God for the Spirit bore that testimony to me...”

"That Joseph did both teach and practice the principle of plural and celestial marriage in Nauvoo prior to his death is well documented and beyond controversy."

Joseph Lee Robinson Journal, The Most Holy Principle, Vol 1, The Law and the Testimony, Dec 1805 - March 1887


Q:  Why does the Bible say God gave David his wives if God was against polygamy?

Understanding cultural history of specific Bible times is required in order to properly understand what the Bible records. God told the prophet Nathan, to remind David that the entire Kingdom which had been given to King Saul, God was giving now to King David. God was reminding that he had full access to any woman in the kingdom; why would he choose to take Bathsheba, another man's wife?

It was culturally acceptable for the ruler to take many wives for his harem—David could have done that without stooping to adultery! The story is told in 2 Samuel Chapters 11 and 12.

However, culturally acceptable behavior is not always acceptable behavior with God. The King of Israel was forbidden to take multiple wives as instructed in Deuteronomy 17:17. Yet most of Israel’s Kings disobeyed God and participated in the forbidden practice of having several wives.

Someone asked the question, how many times and in how many different ways does God have to say something before we believe Him?

When it comes to plural marriage, it seems that no matter how many times the Bible records that monogamy - not polygamy - is God’s design, humans just do not get the message.

It is a completely different world for us who were born and raised in Mormon Fundamentalism. We were brainwashed from the cradle to believe that those not in the group were our enemies, not to be trusted.


“I would like you to know that I wrote one of those letters because I believed it was "God's Will" that I be a polygamist. I am now free of the constraints and abuses of the cult. I am a believer in Jesus Christ and am no longer a slave to fear! I was shocked when I finally read the Bible for myself that everything I was told was in there, wasn't! Like the "Law of Sarah". This was the first question I threw at my pastor as I sobbed in tears. It's not there! Please everyone who is left in polygamy, read the Bible for yourself! It is a love letter from God! Not a book of punishments and torturous commandments! Thank you for speaking the truth. --M”

NOTE: The above letter is in response to three programs we recently produced that were based on a book entitled “Letters to Sarah.”  The book consists of letters written by plural wives to young women who are potential plural wives. Each letter was written to help the female reader willingly submit to polygamy. Those programs can be watched at this link: (Shows 14.17 through 14.19).

“People throw out God because they were taught that you can’t trust the Bible... forgetting that those who lied to them about the other stuff were also lying about the Bible. --B”

“There is something particularly beautiful about ex-Mormons that have had an encounter with the real Jesus. It is the wonder and the passion of those who have come out of a system where they were desperately, desperately striving to essentially save themselves.--K”

Praises & Prayer Requests:

  • We have been blessed to receive several invitations to speak to various groups
    about Mormon polygamy and our outreach to polygamists. Please pray for great
    opportunities to share God’s grace with more and more people.

  • It is very difficult to find host homes for those escaping polygamy. Please pray God
    will provide for our vision of a multi-purpose facility to help those who need to
    know God’s love after leaving the empty, lonely life polygamy offers.

  • Pray for “M”- she needs a host home.

We are available to speak to your group, association, church or organization about the Mormon Fundamentalists of today.

Just call Doris:  801-649-3103, or Email:

ALL of our programs (past and present) are available for viewing online with a high-speed Internet connection. They may be viewed directly from our website, ( or they may be viewed on your TV via a Roku device (If you have a Roku account, you can add Polygamy What Love Is This to your channel list at this link). Other Internet-to-television devices (Chromecast, many wi-fi-ready Blu-Ray players and gaming consoles) may also stream our programs directly to your TV from our YouTube or Vimeo channels.

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