March 2021
Dear Praying Friends,

When we leave the cultic brainwashing of polygamy, or any other false religion, and choose Christianity, it takes a lot of reading, studying, and learning how to practice “critical thinking” in order to free our minds from the lies we learned.  During my own mind-cleansing process I read Ezekiel Chapter 34 where God rebukes the evil shepherds of Israel. I was amazed at how accurate the words of that passage are regarding the treatment we received by polygamy group leaders and parents:

Ezekiel 34:1-4   The word of the Lord came to me: "Son of man, prophesy against the shepherds of Israel; prophesy and say to them: 'This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Woe to the shepherds of Israel who only take care of themselves! Should not shepherds take care of the flock? You eat the curds, clothe yourselves with the wool and slaughter the choice animals, but you do not take care of the flock. You have not strengthened the weak or healed the sick or bound up the injured. You have not brought back the strays or searched for the lost. You have ruled them harshly and brutally.

Instead of strengthening the weak or healing the sick, they brutalize them with threats of God’s wrath and destruction for not measuring up to their requirements. Comparing the TRUE GOOD SHEPHERD with the shepherds of Mormonism is eye-opening. Jesus does not hurt the bruised reed, He does not cast out those who come to Him, He is truly the Great Shepherd who cares for the sheep.  Perfect love drives out fear—something we never learned in polygamy, but they wreaked fear in our lives while Jesus gives us peace that defies understanding. We want polygamists to know the true peace and comfort God alone can give.

We thank you for your support and prayers that enable us to bring the Good News to polygamists


To help our readers understand the struggles polygamists face, we present suggested reading material which may give you a better understanding of the dark world of Mormon polygamy. This month our featured book is entitled, Prostitution, Polygamy and Power, written by Jeffrey Nichols.  The inside cover explains:

“After the transcontinental railroad opened Utah to large-scale migration and market capitalism, hundreds of women in Salt Lake City began to sell sex for a living and a few earned small fortunes. Some of the city's best-known businessmen and politicians developed a financial stake in prostitution, which was regulated by both Mormon and gentile officials… The author shows how both groups used prostitution as a weapon in the battle for political and economic power during the city's formative years. Gentiles likened polygamy to prostitution and accused polygamous Mormons of violating Christian norms of family structure and sexual behavior. Non-Mormon women in particular denounced plural marriage as a double standard that exploited women and favored men. Defending their church and its ideals. Mormons blamed gentiles for introducing the sinful business of prostitution into their honorable city.”

Mormons from the beginning of their polygamy have claimed that it was wicked Rome that introduce monogamy as the ideal and only legal marriage. Many Mormon polygamists have preached that monogamy produces prostitutions and adulteries in a community.  Yet Mormon and polygamous Utah could boast an over-abundance of prostitutes, madams and brothels, and Mormon men did business with them.  We quote from page 60:

“Susie Free was particularly involved with the city's elite, Mormon, Jew, and gentile... and it is possible that some people she dealt with did not know she was a madam...  Free conducted business with William H. King, an LDS attorney and future U.S. congressman and senator ... and William S. McCormick, owner of the city's largest independent bank and the first gentile on the city council... A more common way that women raised money was to mortgage their furniture. These transactions indicate that while society might condemn prostitution, many citizens were willing to conduct business with prostitutes.”

When it comes to sexuality, the polygamous Mormons have always lived by a double standard. We quote from page 26:

“LDS leaders often sermonized against immorality in startlingly violent language. Jedediah M. Grant ...  cautioned those who brought prostitutes to Utah that he would make holes through such miserable, corrupting rascals. Elder Orson Pratt suggested that prostitution in New York City and London could be eliminated by applying the biblical sentence of death to male and female sinners. Some Mormons went beyond threats. Salt Lake City police captain Hosea Stout blandly noted in his diary in 1858 that a group of men entered another man's house "and dragged him out of bed with a whore and castrated him by a square & close amputation.”

This book was published by University of Illinois Press. It is a very interesting read for those interested in early Mormon polygamy.


Quote from Exposé of Polygamy in Utah, Page 166:

 "In any other community, it would be remarked if a man of fifty, sixty, or seventy years of age should be paying his addresses to a girl of seventeen. In Utah, there is no attention paid to it; and not infrequently, married men with several wives may be seen courting and marrying girls much younger than their own daughters. It is a great wrong to the girls. They are too young to see the consequences of their folly at the outset, and the men who seek them for wives are too selfish to draw their attention to the error.

"It is very amusing to see a vain, silly old man trying to be young again — dyeing his hair, and aping the fancies of juvenile courtship. This sight is any thing but rare among the Mormons. I knew a man who objected to his daughter being married, as she was only a few months over sixteen. The married man who was courting the young lady, tersely replied to the father, 'Yes, she is very young; she is six months younger than my sister whom you are courting.' The sarcasm of the answer was enough, and in the course of time he got the daughter.

"A lady called one day upon a prominent bishop, north of Salt Lake City, whom I knew very well, and sought his counsel 'in the interest' of her daughter. The mother related that a young man wanted to marry the daughter, but she did not love him; she had a preference for a gentleman already married. What was she to do? That was the subject upon which she wanted the bishop s counsel. With a ready answer for every one, the bishop saw no difficulty. 'Go,' said he, 'to the married man, and tell him that your daughter loves him, and it is his duty to marry her.' The task was soon accomplished; the kind mother smiled and blushed a little, and then said, ''Bishop thou art the man!' The bishop could do no other than follow his own "counsel." He was in comfortable circumstances, and the young lady shortly after became wife number six or seven of his household."

Mrs. T.B.H. Stenhouse, Exposé of Polygamy in Utah, Pg 166


The FLDS compound in the Black Hills near Pringle, SD received many if not most of the faithful Warren Jeffs followers after he was sentenced to life plus twenty years in prison.  Just as the YFZ Ranch had been isolated and secretive, so was the compound in Pringle. Now, a sheriff has been ordered to sell the property because of an unpaid $1.7 million debt owed to three men as part of a federal court settlement.

The property consists of 140 acres and will be sold at an auction on February 25th at the Custer County Courthouse.  News reports say the FLDS have lost hundreds of members in the years following Warren Jeffs conviction of child rape. Also, they no longer control the twin Arizona and Utah border towns called Short Crick. It is also rumored that the FLDS still hold members isolated in other secret compounds in the USA. One report from an escapee said the leader is a brother of Warren Jeffs and he is more vicious, controlling, and sexually abusive than his brother was.

Another brother, Seth Jeffs took a plea deal in the over $11 million food-stamp fraud trial in 2016. Another brother, Lyle Jeffs went to prison for his part in the scheme and for running away while he was under house arrest.

We can’t help but wonder if they really think God is on their side as they continue to maneuver, abuse and manipulate people and mock our laws. 


“What is the difference between child or women trafficking where women are threatened with physical violence if they don't "co-operate" and polygamy women and children who are told they must cooperate, or God will damn them?”  H.H.


“Yep. LDS have admitted to me that there is nothing inherently worthy of worship in God among all the other gods. The only reason they worship him is due to one or both of these factors:

1. He is their literal father.
2. They are commanded to worship him.

If it weren't for one or both of these factors, they would not worship him at all.  How sad to admit that you know your God is nothing special among all the gods.” E.M.


“Thank you for freeing my Spirit and helping Me find the TRUTH!! THE BIBLE IS THE TRUE WORD OF GOD, YES, JESUS CHRIST IS GOD, MY GOD!” J.J.


  • Pray for the FLDS men who continue to lead members astray in all kinds of evil and illegal activities. Pray God will reveal their locations, be arrested and taken out of commission.  Pray for their souls.

  • Pray for a female escapee in need of health care but refuses to be civil in her quest for help.  Pray God will shine His light of grace and peace deep into her dark places that so desperately need His healing.

WE ARE available to speak to your group, association, church or organization about the Mormon Fundamentalists of today.

Just call Doris:  801-649-3103, or Email:

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