March 2020
Dear Praying Friends,

One of the topics we will soon cover on our program will answer the allegation that Jesus Christ was married, and that He was a polygamist. Mormonism believes and teaches that He was. The late Ogden Kraut was a Mormon who converted to Fundamentalism and became a polygamist. He wrote many books, articles and pamphlets supporting his belief system, one of those books is entitled Jesus Was Married.

Kraut claimed that Jesus must have been married because celibacy contributed nothing to the propagation of the human race, that celibacy was a doctrine of the pagans until it became incorporated into apostate Christianity.

Obviously Kraut didn’t realize that Jesus didn’t come to propagate the human race. He came to save it because we are all lost without Him. He came to do for us what we cannot do for ourselves.

Matthew 18:11 For the Son of man is come to save that which was lost.

John 3:17 For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

1 Timothy 1:15 This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;

1 John 4:14 And we have seen and do testify that the Father sent the Son to be the Saviour of the world.

These are a few of many verses in the Bible teaching that Jesus came to save us. He did not come to get married, to live polygamy, or to propagate the human species. But polygamists and the Mormon faith as a whole, hold on to some very strange and heretical beliefs, beliefs we shine the light of truth on as we tape our programs, and minister to those who are questioning.
 Thank you for your support of this ministry!

WE ARE available to speak to your group, association, church or organization about the Mormon Fundamentalists of today.  Just call Doris:  801-649-3103, or Email:


Utah is at it again! Senate Bill 102 has been unanimously voted and advanced by the Senate Judiciary Committee. SB102 makes bigamy among consenting adults an infraction (on par with a traffic ticket) but enhances penalties for bigamy in concert with other crimes like abuse, fraud and child bride marriages. Not surprisingly, polygamy groups and polygamists support this bill.  But those who have suffered tremendously because of polygamy are against its passing. Historically, even the crimes that have prevailed within the polygamous communities have rarely been prosecuted. One ex-member said people would still fear their religious leaders over the law.

The bill now goes to the full Senate for a vote.

After hearing that this bill was advancing, one person said: “Hey Utah ... Let's pull our heads out of 1863 ... And keep Polygamy Illegal... It is sick and disingenuous to say women LIKE SHARING A HUSBAND!  LISTEN, I don't share shoes with my own sisters!!! Do you think a WOMAN WANTS TO SHARE HER HUSBAND?  Keep Utah out of the DARK ages, and keep POLYGAMY A FELONY!” 

 Another comment from an ex-polygamist family member:

“Imagine your feelings as you watch your husband completely enamored with another woman. (I suppose that's one "benefit" to polygamy. You don't have to wonder if your husband is cheating on you because his mistresses live with you and you can hear them in the next bedroom.)

Imagine how awkward it would be when your husband brings home a new wife who is younger than your children. As a bonus she'll likely look to you as a mother figure - often by your husband's request. But be careful! He wants you to train her and take care of the unpleasant daily tasks with her, but never forget she is your equal!”


If you have a particular question or would like more information on a news event or topic relating to Mormon polygamy or have a concern, we invite you to send your request to us via email:


It is a completely different world for us who were born and raised in Mormon Fundamentalism.  We were brainwashed from the cradle to believe that those not in the group were our enemies, not to be trusted.  Sometimes we hear people say about the victims of polygamy, “Why don’t they just leave, just walk away?”  It isn’t that simple!  To help understand the dilemma we faced in our attempts to leave, we have been suggesting reading material written by escapees who have successfully entered the world outside of Mormon polygamy groups.

This month our featured book is entitled; Answer Them Nothing; Bringing Down the Polygamous Empire of Warren Jeffs.

Answer Them Nothing is the chilling story of the victims, activists, prosecutors, judges, cops, and attorneys who in 2001 began the struggle to dismantle the FLDS empire and bring Jeffs and his henchmen to justice.  It is a mesmerizing journey into one of America’s darkest corners, a story that stretches over three states and deep into the history of the powerful Mormon Church.” (from back cover)

This book reveals many details of Warren Jeffs’ operations, and the personal stories of some who “got away” and some who lived and died in the FLDS religious system. On page 140 details of Jeffs’ dire warnings about the 2002 Olympics when he ordered all FLDS members to relocate to Short Creek:

“Members running long-established businesses in the metropolis were instructed to turn all cash assets over to Jeffs and then declare personal bankruptcy to avoid their Godless creditors, a move that Warren later wryly observed was a twofer of prime FLDS’s principles: “Lying for the Lord” and “bleeding the beast” … Sect members transferred hundreds of thousands, possibly millions, of dollars into Jeffs’ pocket without hesitation.” -- Answer Them Nothing, pg 140.

Whenever Warren Jeffs became suspicious of anyone for any reason, he would isolate or ex-communicate them.  From page 239 we read, “Warren did not hesitate to excommunicate his own family members, especially brothers he saw as competition… Warren had excommunicated upward of a half dozen of his brothers he thought were threats … and very nearly had to punish a few of their reassigned wives.”

Answer Them Nothing is filled with good background information about the FLDS as well as stories of those who got free of the evil clutches of Warren Jeffs and the FLDS religion.


Quotes from, Exposé of Polygamy In Utah:


“The following is from the New-York World, November 14th, 1871:

Reporter — What is really the position of the women on the question of Polygamy?

Mr. Ferris — They are generally subject to what may be called a forced lead, by the older women — those who are childless, and the others who seem to be entirely without maternal instincts. These go about among the mass of better women, talk to them, impress upon them the practice as a religious duty, even necessary to their salvation; get them to sign papers in its favor, and, if they hesitate, threaten to expose them as having become dangerously weak in the faith. That is the way an appearance of unanimity in favor of Polygamy is maintained...

“It matters not how much she believes in the doctrine of plural marriages, or how willing she may be to submit to it; the fact remains the same. The estrangement begins by her trying to hide from him all her secret sorrow; for she feels that what has been done cannot be undone now, and she says," I cannot change it; neither would I if I could, because it is the will of God, and I must bear it; besides, what good will it do to worry my husband with all my feelings? He cannot help me, and is he not another woman's husband?’

Then comes the painful feeling, "I have no longer any desire to confide in him."

Perhaps, too, she may detect some familiarity between her husband and the other wife. Then she would feel full of anger and bitterness toward them both, and, strive as she may, human nature would prevail. His presence becomes irksome to her; even his touch would make her shudder. And yet she might hide all this; but with what anguish of soul!

EXPOSÉ OF POLYGAMY IN UTAH: A LADY'S LIFE AMONG THE MORMONS. A record of personal experience as one of the wives of a Mormon elder during a period of more than twenty years. By Mrs. T. B. H. Stenhouse, of Salt Lake City, pp. 73,74,75


“Thank you so much for your program. You have helped me so much and I am forever grateful for you speaking the truth. Just watched your latest episode and LOVE the quote..."If works could save would be your own Savior." I wish I could get my 90 year old mother to understand this. Much love!  JF.

“I wanted to write you and let you know on December 15, 2019 I said the sinner’s prayer and accepted Jesus as my Lord and Savior. He is God, he is my King and my Savior. I'm so grateful that I found your program, all I was doing was looking into polygamy and Warren Jeffs. I got so much more...  I'm so thankful that the Lord gave me the courage to write to you that night when I did. He has forever changed and keeps changing my life. I still have questions and know  that I'm ok to ask, that I'm loved no matter what, he will never leave me, Jesus will be there when I come to Him even knowing I'm a sinner and that is the way it works. Praise God! I know He is Good always Good.”  MEB

Your ministry has helped me more than I ever could have imagined! After my life of fifty years in polygamy!! When I met you earlier this year I was full of fear and doubt, not knowing who to trust or turn to. I am reading the word every day now and trusting in the Lord to supply all my needs. He is so amazing and so good. I've put my full trust in him and I'm finally finding peace.

I was reading Timothy the other day and came across 2:5 where it says, "There is one God and one mediator between God and man the man Christ Jesus." This struck me with such power.  I don't have to go through 10 different men to get to Christ. He is the One to go to and through to get to the Father and He wants the best for me, He really loves me!! It became personal!   Wow, it is so profound!  It's changed my life forever!  BK



  • Rachel is seeking therapy for two of her daughters who are suffering from the backlash and mind-control of having been in the custody of their polygamous father for several years. She needs financial help to continue therapy. If you are interested in helping, just put “Therapy” on the bottom of your donation. And a big thanks to all who help us as we help others who have suffered in polygamous communities.

  • Pray for “M” a new believer who began investigating after watching several of our programs and discovered the truth about Mormonism.

ALL of our programs (past and present) are available for viewing online with a high-speed Internet connection. They may be viewed directly from our website, ( or they may be viewed on your TV via a Roku device (If you have a Roku account, you can add Polygamy What Love Is This to your channel list at this link). Other Internet-to-television devices (Chromecast, many wi-fi-ready Blu-Ray players and gaming consoles) may also stream our programs directly to your TV from our YouTube or Vimeo channels.

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